[QUOTE="inyourface_12"] BS
two reasons. one it very may stand up to the dx9 version but it wont be able to touch the directx10 version.
secondly the art style is entirely different and for that reason alone they will look entirely different. chrysis is all about vivid lush surroundings while all of killzones are toned down dimmer and even sometimes have almost a black and white feel to them
I DID say DX9 right?
ya, DX10 isn't even out yet so im sure the Killzone PS3 won't look anywhere as good as Crysis running on DX10.
u have to know something before posting.
DX10 is just an API which more pre defined tools and libraries .
ps3 supports future versions of OPEN GL which is more powerful and flexible than DX 10.
u clearly heard from the devs that CELL+RSX can pull amazing things only possible on a supercomputer.
NVIDIA uses open gl so its coding is different . ps3 is flexible and suppot all APIs and tools if modified.
KILLZONE 3 would ofcourse exceed CRYSIS in gameplay as well as in graphics.
CELL with EDGE alone can handle KILLZONE 3.
just look at the TECH DEMO of GETAWAY and see if you can distinguish it from real life.
NOTE: _ the GDC demo was done solely by CELL inconjunction with EDGE.
expect to see wonders in the upcoming months
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