I'm sorry but wouldn't that effect on the ps3 sales, I mean the ps2 is outselling the ps3 at the moment especialy in japan not that much if they do add that feature, the sales will go even more up. they should pull the plug on the ps2 at the end of this year and focuse on the ps3.
PS2 w/ wand (PSW):- Online features well more established especially with across playstation unification on PSN.
Wii :- No online feature to talk about at all. It's been 6 monthsand not one single MP game yet. This doesn't bod well for it's future online enduvures. (PSW 1 - Wii 0)
PSW:- Already well established development base. It's got 3rd party developers out the yang and a lot more that couldn't really make the jump to current gen. This would be gravy for them all.
Wii:- 1st party heavy. Every little to no3rd party support so far but with the success of the PSW could get a number of ports from developers looking to cash in. (PSW2 - Wii 0)
PSW:- Very well known architecture. Developers don't have to waste any time or much finances to roll out game after game and get their fresh game ideas out fast.
Wii:- Well known technology but still learning it architectural make up. Developers won't be as nimble in churning out games like they would for the PSW. (PSW 3 - Wii 0)
PSW:- SIZE matter apperently and the pettite wii console has it's charm especially with the Japanese, however, the PS2 slim is much smaller than the wii and a redesigned PSW with a purely cosmetic fresh design would so easy for sony to do and market...maybe even with multiple colours.
Wii:- Cute 'n little but a redesigned PSW may just out cute it and will definately be smaller. (PSW 4 - Wii 0)
PSW:- COST! Now this is the meat of it all. Consideringit wouldn't be far fetched to price the console packaged with a game, a normal wired controller, a"wand" and probably 32mb card at between a price range of $99 - $149, this could be the dagger in chewing away potential Wii sales.
Wii:- May cost between $100 - $150 more than the PSW. (PSW 5 - Wii 0)
PSW:- It's library of games is incrediblely vast. If new gamers pick up a PSW for it's wand feature, they could potentially enjoy a vast array of other games for the system already there and thus a new gamer and potential PS3 & PS4 gamer is born.
Wii:- Though is games library is large, it's not on par with the PS2's vast adn very diverse libraryand thus people may find more value in the PSW all together. (PSW 6 - Wii0)
PSW:- It doesn't have features like Miis and it'll be hard to consider implementing something like this so soon on the paltform
Wii:- Miis are a big hit and people like the concept a lot... but is it a big enough pull? (PSW 6 - Wii 1)
PSW:- Doesn't have Wii channel like features but with an intergration with PSN could pull some unique feature of it's own off. But still... no wii like channels.
Wii:- Having features like wii channels and web browsing is a plus for it and these feature will likely be expanded upon. (PSW 6 - Wii 2)
FINAL: PSW 6 - Wii 2
These are the main things that stand out for me and in my opinion the wii would be in serious heat if Sony dedicated the PS2 to compete in a market Nintendo created to cunningly sneak past it's competitors and have a good chance of winning the battle. IF you see things I may not have considered pls let me know by PM me. I may put this down on my blog for futher discussions too cause it's jsut stuck me to be a very intriging topic. :shock:
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