I keep woundering why it is that Force Unleashed is so harshly critasized. This is what i came up with. I dont think i will ever stop loveing Star Wars. Even when im 65, old, gray haired and have no teeth...I will still love Star Wars...BUT...over the years i have to admit my expectations from the star wars franchise have risen , possibly to a level that no game can meet. I feel im not alone here on this. Dont get me wrong ,this game is fun !! but i think as gamers we were expecting a little more in terms of maybe an RPG element . Something more robust instead of just makeing your character more powerful. Im starting to see a pattern here with the new generation of gamers (This includes me).When KOTOR came out it gave me a taste of every part of Star Wars. It gave me action, Adventure,RPG elements, and a great story with multiple endings.
Now i know that this game is based on action and the power of the force. Showing us things that we have never seen the force do before.Its a great idea !! But what about all the other elements.
I think that if we merged his game with KOTOR we would have a game that would get 9's across the board.
KOTOR + FORCE UNLESHED = bang ....or bust ?
What do you think??
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