KZ2 Elite is ****! I need help surviving Radec's waves

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#1 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts

I finally got to up to the part in the palace, but now I'm stuck. I can't get past Radec's first wave. Rico is NO help at all, so it's basically me vs. tons of super-smart Helghast. I can't hold them off by myself!:cry: Any tips for this part? I know a good strategy for once I get up to the 2nd level, but first I have to get up there. :evil: If you have any tips, share them. :)

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#2 ___gamemaster__
Member since 2009 • 3429 Posts

got stuck in elite mode on the train.. waves of waves of radec are comming.. but im not loosing hopes yet we can do this. btw i agree on elite mode your partner is useless. :P

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#3 Peabody99224
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Same here I got stuck in the exact same place, and I've been working on Resident Evil since then...
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#4 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts
sigh, I need tips on how to beat this part, not asking who else had trouble with it :|
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#5 Ospov
Member since 2007 • 3708 Posts

There are YouTube videos about this. Just search around for them and you'll find them.

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#6 NaughtyRag
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once you enter and radec says he will deal with you himself, run back on the right side to the last cover thing.. get into cover and take them out.. unless your aim is terrible it should be no problem.. then radec says something about flanking you and you will hear doors open.. run to where you came in and 2 guys are gong to jump down shoot them.. 2 flame guys come run out and knife them.. run back to where you came in should be 3 more guys (shooting at you when you knife the flamers).. kill them and the doors unlock to the upstairs..

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#7 VirtualAntics
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Move back to the locked doors, dig in, and let the Helghast come to you. Your field of vision is clearer in both directions; plus noone can attack from behind. It's the easiest way to pick 'em off. Alternatively, use grenades to clear away groups of two or three Helghast. Once you've throw a grenade, pick 'em off while they run for cover.

Then, when Rico yells at you to you get to the second level, just run like hell. Don't mind if there are still enemy soldiers around. Get rid of the one in front, and keep running to the right.

Another good strategy, once the second level is active, is to lure the Helghast to the base of the stairwells. That way, they bottleneck, and it's easier to pick em off.

Also hold position at the corner of a walkway. That allows you to shoot left/right and at the floor below, similar to the first strategy. Keep digging in, and don't move around too much. Use the metal plating of the handrail as cover.

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#8 WR_Platinum
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Just make sure to cover a lot, being in the open will guarantee a death. Also as horrible as Rico is in Elite, make sure you revive him when he's down, if not ALL the Helghast will go after you. With good aiming and use of ammo (especially your grenades) you will survive the waves.

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#9 The_Solid
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I found Radec much easier than getting to the palace. Anyway,get the STA assualt rifle,forget the iron sights hip aim is so much better. Keep Rico alive.When the flamethrower guys come,do not get cornered,YOU WILL DIE!!! When your on the second floor,go to the topmost leftside balcony,the RPG dudes will not have a clear shot.Radec will only throw a nade now and then to get you outta that area.after that you surrvive and take radec to his end.
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#10 daveyboypopstar
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Got to 2nd level 2 and stuck. Then got pissed off with it an kz2 is gatherin dust an im back on good old cod4 online. still best game ever. kz2 was so overhyped it was dissapointing. It just lacked that somethin special.

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#11 PSdual_wielder
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First few waves: take cover behind either the big square block statue thing in the middle of the room, or fall back to the narrow corridor at the entrance at which you came from. Yea Rico is idiot regardless of difficulty. And I suggest you use anything BUT the shotgun in that part, because you won't have any chances of getting the enemies up close.

When the side doors open, immediately run up the stairs to the back balcony where rico is and then run back to the balcony by the stairs. You're safer there.

I'm at that part on elite, haven't tried to beat it yet though. After that, I'll be DONE!!

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#12 G-Legend
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You need the LMG I really hope you have the LMG with a bunch of ammo! The LMG in small bursts OWN helghast!

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#13 lgb1978
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You need the LMG I really hope you have the LMG with a bunch of ammo! The LMG in small bursts OWN helghast!


i know rico is useless but you have to stay close to him so when he draws fire you can shot the person that is going after rico and keeps him alive longer

what i did is for the first wave of enemies i saved the LMG picked up the shotgun and stayed behind the middle statue/block so the enemies can come left or right of u all you have to do is blast them with the shotgun keep going from left to right of the statue

when you get to the save point and the gates open to the second pick up the LMG knife some people ( knife one head to the stairs and turn and see if you can sneak up and kill another higg get to the second floor knife the flamethrowers from the second flor take cover if possible in the middle take out the higgs on the bottom floor with the LMG short burst headshots if possible

when you take them out you will hear a door open and more higgs will come out grab the grenade launcher and launch grenades in front and behind the higgs so they are trapped also try and hit the stairway so if they try and come up you can take them out but chances are you will not get them all and some will reach the second floor make sure you check both left and right of you from when you first came up to the second floor if you see them coming grenade launch them another waive will try to come up as well so repeat same process eventually you will see rocket launcher higgs when that happens grab a weapon with mid to long range ability then head to the far left near the stairs if you stay in that corner you can avoid the rockets and be able to watch out for people coming upstairs if you take out the rocket launchers you should get another checkpoint

i don't remember what i did once i got that checkpoint (has cutscene) because it was easy and once you get to this checkpoint you have past the HARDEST part of the game so you should have no problems from now on and redec is easy

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#14 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts

Alright thanks for all the tips guys. I finally got up to the 2nd level, and now I'm trying to survive the rocket launcher guys :? Rico keeps dying, I have to run and revive him, and then i die usually

btw I have a question,:question: do I have to kill EVERYONE, both the guys with rocket launchers, AND the helghast on the ground before I can fight Radec by himself, coz right now i'm finding it hard to hold off the helghast on the ground long enough to take out the rocket launcher soldiers. If rico didn't keep needing to be revived, this would be no problem.

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#15 acmx22
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I dont know this is any help, but on the psn store.There is a killzone 2 video strategy guide.

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#16 -Rinder-
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Dude, downstairs is the easy part, once you get upstairs that's when you get F'n pissed.
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#17 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts

I dont know this is any help, but on the psn store.There is a killzone 2 video strategy guide.

does it cost anything? i'll get it if its free, but since i'm almost finished with the game anyway, i really don't think i'll pay for a strategy vid.
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#18 acmx22
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I just checked its 5.99 Its not worth because your almost done. Try youtube

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#19 Doolz2024
Member since 2007 • 9623 Posts

I just checked its 5.99 Its not worth because your almost done. Try youtube

will do, thanks ;)
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#20 G-Legend
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Grenade launcher works wonders on the rocket launcher dudes you raise it in the air and shoot where they are, BTW knife works well for killing guys on the ground as well sprinting around and knifing works they are slow to react to your fast knife skills, but don't run around knifing if there's a lot of them in one area.

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#21 mr-krinkles
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This is what I did...

When Rico tells you to get to second floor, go for it of course.

Get up there, kill the flame-thrower guards. For the most part, I used the Helghast StA-52 machine gun.

Now the waves will start to come, the first one I don't think sends anybody after you up onto the balcony. I stayed in the corners - not against the actual barricades separating you from the badguys below. You might also wanna take out the gas cylinders near the barricades as those can explode and make you die in the gun fire.

It's simple really, just approach the barricades in the corner and pick out your targets one by one. For the most part, I used the Helghast Sta-52 machine gun but I also lobbed plenty of grenades and used the grenade launcher. Take the people out below one at a time, and also move around. They'll be using those obstacles on the ground below. If you find that some Helghast are against the ones that are further away from you, move over to the other side and take 'em out. Lean, cover and peak are your friends. It's really best to use the corners as opposed to using cover right at the forefront of the balcony as it makes you a much easier target; although this is a good spot to shoot from when the next wave is starting. You hear a big echoey sound whenever a new wave is starting to make its move.

It gets tricker as the next waves roll around as Helghast will start running up towards the balcony. Rico can take care of some of them on the otherside, but you have to keep an eye out for them on both sides of the battle. Again, pick a corner (I stayed in the right). When you see them approaching you, try shooting them whilst they're running near the fire walls as they'll catch fire and burn out (sometimes you don't even have to do this, they'll do it themselves). These guys should be your top priority when you see them. Once you've taken them out (only a set amount run up towards you, the rest will stay on the ground), start working on the ground floor ones again. I think the next wave is pretty much the same, except they'll send out the more dangerous ones with SMG's after you.

Okay, fourth wave: Rocket launchers. Remember, keep moving! First, you wanna run straight to your right staircase where you went up... but don't stand still! Listen for the sound of the rocket launchers being fired and know not to stand in near vicinity to the wall next to you or you'll die. You wanna take out the guards running up the right staircase first. Once this is done, sprint all the way round to your left staircase and you'll find that the rocket launchers cant get you there. Blind spot! Very important for you. Take out any guards trying to come up and then start picking off the rocket launchers to the right that you can see. Strafe, lock on, kill, go back. Again, if they shoot, move outa the way and you'll be fine 'cause it takes time for the rockets to get you. Once you've taken out all you can on the right side from the left side, sprint back to the right staircase and take out the ones on the left side.


Most important: You need skillz.

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#22 Chaos_Bladez
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I played on hard and the only advice I have is when the cheap ass RPG guys come, grab the sniper rifle and run behind the couches on the second level on the left right above the stairs. The rockets don't have as much splash damage.
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#23 conquerorsaint
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for 2nd wave: grab the grenade launcher after knifing the flamethrower guys. then rain grenades on the ground floor , making sure to make each one count. it helps if you whittle their numbers just as they're coming down from the rails using the grenades. make sure to keep an eye out for those who go up to the 2nd floor with knife at the ready to knife them. when the rocket launcher guys come out kill the remaining stragglers on the ground floor asap since the statue and the walls there provide better cover. for the last wave the debris will be cleared on the right side stairs so you can just knife the rocket launcher helghast. or you can stick to taking potshots at them from ground floor with the LMG or the Sniper Rifle.
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#24 cheezy909
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There are YouTube videos about this. Just search around for them and you'll find them.

Yeh youtubes gr8 for this kind of stuff