Ok so here is my opinion on all these games, for some of you wondering what would you like the mose, if you havent played it. Everyone is welcome to share.
Graphics: KZ2 graphics maybe darker and less colorful than the COD games, but everything is near perfect.
Story: uhhh they all arent anything special but i guess I'll go with MW2 or KZ2 or all of them haha, but both seem to be about a dictator/terrorist trying to overthrow the government and or world.
Voice Acting: WAW takes the cake, just for Keifer Sutherland haha
Campaign Mode:
KZ2 has some good intenese missions, along with COD4 and MW2, WAW is just like every other WWII game.
I think MW2 takes the cake, as the game matches the intensity and more of KZ2 and COD4, but what i really like(mind ive done about 5 or 6 campaign missions) would have to be the Locales, you will be in the artic, parts of S. America and N. America, and I love the atmosphere.
EDIT: I would really like to see different terrorists, instead of those gosh darn crazy russians/ Evil Dictators/ Nazis
but what could there be to really differ haha.
Game Play: Its about the same with all CODS, and KZ2 just have less sensitive aiming and no auto aim, so its really wither or.
KZ2 has classes so it kind of hinders much of the weapons lay outs people will like. and if you want to catch up with the Multiplayer theres 3 DLC packs you will have to buy.
COD4/WAW and MW2 are about the same but not quite
MW2 offers a whopping 15 maps right out the gate and it has improved on everything wrong with the other games, Balancing issues have been fixed for the most part.
Theres 3 perks now instead of two, and you can use machine pistols, shotguns, launchers and pistols as secondary weapons which is awesome, along with the main weapons, there are a lot a lot of attachements for both primary and secondary weapons.
and the customization is plentiful and there are lots of rewards for everything you do. The game is Noob friendly but it really will grow on everyone, thats use to tougher multiplayer games like KZ2.
I like the additions of titles and emblems kind of like what SFIV had for its multiplayer component.
Another cool addition is for games like death match, it shows the game winning kill, which really is great for bragging rights.
One main hinder of MW2 gameplay that will get fixed, is game invites arent really working, for most people.
WAW had blood and GORE which i loved, and i wish MW2 would show dismemberment
and Nazi Zombies is ok but repetitive, while MW2 offers spec ops mode, which is really quite nice, it will be much better once the game invites start to work :P
So, I would say MW2 beats out KZ2 by a long shot
as theres customizeable kill streaks, theres hardly any of that I kill you and then 3 seconds later I die from bullet lag a la KZ2
KZ2 does seem to use more team work due to Character Classes but i dont like class based games.
if theres anything im missing, please be free to add!
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