I'm really happy with what's available right now. I think there is a lot of overreacting going on. I know people think Sony has nothing ele to do other then make you personally happy all the time. But the truth is Sony has the U.S. and European market to manage, so their focus has to be here and there at different times. They have to rip games and convert them. They have to hold meetings and make decisions on what games hold what priorites. In short, they have a business to run, and Sony is doing what they can. You think Sony doesn't want to make more money!? I think the PSPgo launched with great titles. This is just one weekend. Calm down, play what you have, and wait to see what comes out in the near future, instead of throwing a tantrum about every little thing you think Sony can do to make your personal life better.
...I thought Sony was branched. Theirs a Sony of the US, Sony of Euope, etc., so how does that really matter in making them 'spread thin' because, really, if they are, Sony needs to up the ante because that's not very good business. And what do you mean it's not their job to make us happy? I thought Sony was in the business of "entertainment" hence making us entertained. With all that said though, I'm not exactly furious that their is no real update this week. I mean they did do pretty well in bringing alot of great titles at launch, so catching their bearing can be understandable. Though if they keep this up and just show they don't care to add more things to the store, then yeah somethings not right and just shows Sony can be rather lazy at doing their job.
I agree with what you're saying. And you're right, there are different branches. But the same games are involved and some communication is necessary between the two branches, and that could take time. Also, of course Sony wants us happy. What I meant was that some people have very personal complaints, and sometimes don't realize they are part of a mass of people. Sony can't make everyone happy all the time, and people should understand this. Again, I agree with what you're saying, and I think you expressed it better then me. I guess I'm just tired of reading nothing but complaints, when it's obvious Sony is at least trying to give us a great product and network to best utilize said product.I apologize if I sounded rather aggressive in my reply, after reading over it after posting what was said, I felt it was a bit out of tone. But I see your point about the communication between different branches of Sony. I just figured though that they would have all this streamlined ahead of time-- not wait till the last minute to get everything ready; note i'm not exactly saying that's the case. I agree though, I don't see why a lot of people are whining drasically about this, it's one bad week of an update to what I feel was a great start. Give it a few more weeks and if nothing changes in this pattern keeps going, then I feel their is something worth griping about.
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