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Factor 5 : "woops, we'll try again"
but seriously no, not that i have heard of
hopefully they dont try again
Well, such question will rise in an interviews, until then, Factor 5 will get on with their lifes... But I didn't think LAIR was such a bad game, though. I've enjoy it very much.
Well, such question will rise in an interviews, until then, Factor 5 will get on with their lifes... But I didn't think LAIR was such a bad game, though. I've enjoy it very much.
Thats what i want to believe cos it looks so amazing (apart from the rapid fire mahie gun-like fireballs IMO) but all the reviews have really put me off.
The game was fun. All you have to do is take the time to learn the sixaxis controls, and when you realize you dont have to move the controller like you have Turrettes, youll see the controls arent that bad. The people who gave it bad scores probably didnt have the patience to do that so they didnt get the chance to enjoy the game the way it was meant to played. Do the tutorials before you jump into the game and it will help with the sixaxis controls a lot.Drockalot
While I have not played lair, ive played heavenly sword and think the same thing about the sixaxis in that. It sucks at first, but you get used to it and have fun. All you have to do is barely move it, not swing the controller as fast as you can.
If I wanted to flip flop the controller around, I'd have wasted $300 on a Wii.
Now, though I own and rather enjoy "Lair", I'd be just as happy if I could play it without using Sixaxis. I'm also not a big fan of the sixaxis motion stuff in "Heavenly Sword" and the use of the sixaxis to gather the summons in "Folklore" is also horrible in terms of gameplay.
Lets leave the controller waving to the Wii owners.
Havent tried it yet, but from the looks of it, it seems like all the reviewers are too lazy to get used to it, and gave it a bad score while they were crying about losing.instantdeath999
I played it , and bought it, but to be honest, the control is realy not that good.
It feels kind of slow, feels like driving a tank, instead of flying dragon.
Factor 5 should have done better, but hte reviewer are a little bitter on it as well.
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