Seriously--I took my chances and bought the game today, and I really think its a very decent game. I gave it an 8.5 in my review. And it did surely not deserve a 4.5.
Has anyone else bought Lair, and if so, do you agree with me?
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Seriously--I took my chances and bought the game today, and I really think its a very decent game. I gave it an 8.5 in my review. And it did surely not deserve a 4.5.
Has anyone else bought Lair, and if so, do you agree with me?
I played it at GameStop today, and I must say it was not all that bad. The game does a good job making you feel empowered, asd you ride a dragon and fly through the skies.
The controls were pretty fun for me, I just found the framerate and random cutscenes to be annoying at times. Don't see how this game got such a low rating, GameSpot should really reconsider it.
[QUOTE="sxs_alex"] reviewers should go back and rerate this game. it's really making them look bad as a popular site. mmogoon
Both GS and IGN gave it a score below 5.0. You haven't played the game and you're telling me they're both wrong and they need to rerate it.
from reading their reviews. their only complaint was the controllers while gamers are saying this game deserves a higher score. i'm basing everything on the gamers NOT fanboys. i dont trust fanboys reviews.
[QUOTE="sxs_alex"] reviewers should go back and rerate this game. it's really making them look bad as a popular site. mmogoon
Both GS and IGN gave it a score below 5.0. You haven't played the game and you're telling me they're both wrong and they need to rerate it.
have you played it??
I've been through it 1.5times and it's NOT worthy of a score lower than 7. It seems more like the major reviews are bashing the controls and the fact that they're forced on the player, not the game. I've seen games with MUCH worse flaws get 7's and up. This is a game in which the general consensus is that the controls are bad and it's an otherwise above-average game. If the average game gets a 7.5, then this game is, at the very minimum, a 7. Play itand prove it to yourself.
i got the game yesterday. I played it till level 3 but kept going back to the earlier stages trying to get gold. I PERSONALLY like it. I personally think it's pretty nice and cool. I had no issue with the controls but had to maintain composure LOL to not just simply chuck my controller around. AHAHAHAH
but i like it yeah. so i am happy.
Something I have been wondering is why did game reviews start putting a score in the on the reviews in the 1st place? Why don't they just write opinions like they do and leave the scoring out. To me the scoring just leaves much to be desired and evidently most would think so as well - not just for Lair but for other games as well. I think giving scores is just a terrible way to gauge something that offers something intangible.
My 2 cents anyways. Maybe I should start writing reviews that takes into consideration what I DIDN'T LIKE and what others MIGHT like and then concluding with the good points that I liked, that I didn't fancy etc etc but ultimately leave the thinking to consumers as opposed to providing a score to something intangible.
Seriously--I took my chances and bought the game today, and I really think its a very decent game. I gave it an 8.5 in my review. And it did surely not deserve a 4.5.
Has anyone else bought Lair, and if so, do you agree with me?
You are echoing the sentiment of nearly every single person I know who has played the game. I have the game - but unfortunately haven't had time to play it since Tuesday.
I don't know of any actual owner who has played it for more than an hour who actually dislikes the game though. Most of the reviewers and "haters" I've talked to played it for 15 minutes to a half an hour and then gave up on the controls saying that they were to complicated to learn.
Seriously--I took my chances and bought the game today, and I really think its a very decent game. I gave it an 8.5 in my review. And it did surely not deserve a 4.5.
Has anyone else bought Lair, and if so, do you agree with me?
i disagree with you on how high your rated it but i disagree with the review for how low they rated it as well. but hey we all have our preferences and well people shouldn't be bashed for them, i think people are being hard on the reviewers for no reason really.
if anything all the reviews gave lair a lot of press, if they rated it in 7s or 8s really we'd hear not much about it. that said i think the game is just mediocre, but hey thats not bad not every game will be good or great.
also people are focusing way to much on the controls and not enough on the other issues int he game. in my opinion the controls are the least frustrating thing in the game.
all in all i dont' completely regret my purchase its not like i haven't played the game for a while and not giving up on it, in fact im on the last chapter. though now after playing it there are several other games i would have purchased over this.
I've been waiting a long time for this game. The low score turned me off a bit b/c it has to be really bad to get that low. But I've heard enough positives despite the controls for me to reconsider. I'm gonna head out to Best Buy tomorrow. Heck .. you're flying dragons for god sake .. what more can u ask for?slikMotion
Yeah the game definitely gives you a good sense of having (being?) a dragon. When you land and start killing people, it just feels wonderful. NOTHING is better than eating people in slow motion. NOTHING.
It really comes down to what you prefer in a game and how much you can tolerate it.
I own the game and honestly, I don't really think its a good title and its not exactly like you can ignore the flaws;
The reason why they bash the controllers is simply because they do-not-work; either that or I just have a really bad Sixaxis control...which I too am beginning to suspect...but long story short: when you're fighting with a control scheme say, when you're to avoid being detected by spotlights for instance, it doesn't cut it especially on a next generation console.
I'm just being critical on the part that you shouldn't have to 'get used to it' which some gamers here are coming close to suggesting.
The game is decent looking enough with an interesting story but I feel somewhere along the line people are going to realize that it starts fun and becomes cluttering if not frustrating pretty fast....and I did say 'fun.'
But that's just me.
i know, i was so looking forward to this game untill it got such low reviews, then a rent and i'm like wtf! i would give it a minimum of a 7.5, i just don't get why the hate it so much, if its the motion control thing than every wii game would get 4s and 5s. me thinks they're biased.
lol, we should start an uprising or something ^_^
4.5, when did people become such video game snobs, there is nothing wrong with this game, it's got great graphics, great controls (if you have any hand eye coordination and you spend 15 minutes to learn them) a great story, freaking awesome looking firebreathing dragons. i mean, you have to go out of your way to nitpick and find faults in the game, no way this game deserved less than a 7.5, I would give it an 8-8.5 overall score and I'm half way through the game now, it's a hell of a lot of fun, and I can say I am quite good controlling the amazing dragon in this game now. There's going to be a lot of people who like this game- hell, 99% of the player reviews are overwhelmingly positive, so there will most probably be a Lair 2 and I'm looking forward to that one. Well done Factor 5. Haters eat a dick.
Both GS and IGN gave it a score below 5.0. You haven't played the game and you're telling me they're both wrong and they need to rerate it.
Remember that GS and IGN's reviewers are only human. The ratings does not mean that the entire site got together and decided to rate a specific game. Therefore the rating is the sole responsibility of the reviewer.
There's a difference between "having" to play a game because it's your job and "wanting" to play it.
I think all of the negative news about the game might be helping get the word out. I bought the game and I'm really enjoying it. My favorite level so far is the one with all of the spot lights that you have to avoid (not the one with the big mouths). The music in that level really makes it seem epic. The controls are easy as long as you don't lose your cool in the middle of a battle.
So remember: 10 negative reviews means 10 people didn't like it, compared to 20 positive reviews from players...doesn't really make a difference. Love it or Hate it, this game will become a cult classic.
if anything the low scores helped to under-hype the game, which is why so many people are enjoying it. if it got the scores everyones suggesting it got then there'd be a lot of people saying its overrated. but the low score kept everyones expectations super low, so of course the games gonna surprise you by how good it is.
thats why i think hype kills a game, everyone expectations are ridiculously high and they are almost never met. so anyone wanting to get the game i'd say just keep your expectations low and it want disappoint, heck i'd recommend doing that for any game.
I wanted to add, I personally feel that reviews really are just opinions, but reviews from main game sites certainly hold a certain weight. I think a lot of people agree with me on my position that reviews can greatly impact the common perception of a video game. There aren't many games out there that have sold well with poor ratings and that's a fact.
Now that brings up another point. Why do we care about how much the game sells? Well there are the obvious people who just want to use the high sales of an exclusive to justify their fanboyism. Then there are people like me who honestly think that a game like this COULD become something truly fantastic. I think Lair is about a 7.5-7.9 and I would love for Factor 5 to give it another go. It would really suck if they just couldn't do it because of poor sales perpetuated by unreasonably bad reviews.
Seriously--I took my chances and bought the game today, and I really think its a very decent game. I gave it an 8.5 in my review. And it did surely not deserve a 4.5.
Has anyone else bought Lair, and if so, do you agree with me?
I agree reviewers shouldnt have given a game such a bad score over controls. The game is decent and not a killer app, it deserves a 7.0.
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