I did it wrong by downloading Time attack first so it seized up.
Put it right as per the instructions on all the forum posts and it works fine but I have lost all my saved data do I am back to the beginning on all the tickets.
I own all three consoles (360, Wii and PS3) and the longer I own the PS3 the more disapointed I am with things like this and the lack of games and poor PS Store.
I am starting to get the feeling there is fundamentally something wrong with the PS3, it has all this power and does not have the functionality of the old Xbox let alone the new one.
It is supposed to get better but for some reason it feels like it cannot do much more than it is already doing, do you ever beleive they will be able to make the XMB visable at any time during a game for example.
the whole xbox 360 front end runs off a 16mb flash chip, yes thats right a 16mb flash chip, so funchionality hardly needs lots of power.
I know the 360 has had updates and changes to the front end as I have owned one since day one but fundamentallyapart from a few tweaks it is the same as day one.
the PS3 feels like it does not need tweakingon what it has now but a complete rethink and rewrite, I know home is going to wrap it all in pretty graphics but would you want to enter home just to get a game to run and join some mates, i here of no changes to the XMB and its functionality.
I just hope that I think of this post in about a years time and laugh that i thought the PS3 had reached its limits but i have never owned a console and felt so suspicious that I have an Aston Martin Engine in a Ferrari body which both on paper sound powerful but in reality cannot and will not ever work very well together, I feelI have the latest dual core mega PC but its running Windows MS-Dos.
I am sure this post will be pulled by the MOdS for moaning but I am really disapointed and wanted vent my frustration.
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