Looks like in-game XMB is on its way. This footage is ment to have come from the BioShock PS3 development team. It shows the XMB over the BioShock main menu.
Gaming Age yesterday posted a report that in-game Xross Media Bar support will in fact be a part of the Playstation 3 Firmware Update 2.40, which will release "sometime in June." Reader hukeedonfonics also tipped us to the above video, which shows in-game XMB over the BioShock title screen. Comments claim a BioShock developer leaked it. Gaming Age writes that requested features like a universal friends list, and in-game messaging will be a part of the drop, in addition to "a few rather nice surprises (*cough*soundtracks*cough*)" (their words, not mine.)
Read the full article and watch the video over at Kotaku here.
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