Who here has pre-ordered? Was anyone who reserved one previously on the fence about getting the Vita before you decided to make the purchase? What swayed you in that direction?
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Who here has pre-ordered? Was anyone who reserved one previously on the fence about getting the Vita before you decided to make the purchase? What swayed you in that direction?
I've pre-ordered and paid off PSvita wi-fi system with Case/4GB memory card and Little Devients Pack in game. I got Uncharted Golden Abyss and Street Fighter X Tekken. So I am all set for Febn 15th 2012.
pre-ordered the wifi 8gb memory and uncharted golden abyss and ninja gaiden....and oh yes i'm counting days going crazy!!!
I have 175 dollars worth of points on my credit card that I didn't use on getting my television so I need to figure out what to spend them on before they expire. Probably will use them to buy the Vita but I'll wait as long as I can and try to find a good bundle. Definitely would rather have FFX HD on the vita than a PS3. RPGs in general are better on handheld since its in sparetime that I can level up as oppose to spending hours in front of television on a couch. Sorry, got sidetracked a bit.
nope. I wont even think about getting one until the pricing is more clear and I see some better games for it. I'd also like to try it out at Bestbuy or target first. I'm slightly interested in getting a 3DS after seeing the Resident Evil review today..... so Vita is nowhere near my priority.
Street fighter x tekken is a launch game??I've pre-ordered and paid off PSvita wi-fi system with Case/4GB memory card and Little Devients Pack in game. I got Uncharted Golden Abyss and Street Fighter X Tekken. So I am all set for Febn 15th 2012.
I'm still debating whether to get a PSVita first or a 3DS, or maybe even a PS3 and then get a Vita during the end of year if there are any new announcements for great titles, price drops, or a new model, etc.
My eyes are on the 3DS at the moment, but I really want a Vita as well but not with the current games that are coming out.
I will wait to later this year I think. I got a 3DS not long ago and I don't think I need two need handhelds.Eikichi-Onizuka
This is where I'm at. I really, really want the Vita but I am not even getting to all the new 3DS games that I want to just yet. Probably make the descision in a few weeks depending on if I can't find something else I want to buy in the meantime.
Its not like we have tons of options to play real games on a hand held device, we have the Vita and the other one that plays 3d. Coolyfett will go with the Vita. Looks like the grown man system to invest in.Who here has pre-ordered? Was anyone who reserved one previously on the fence about getting the Vita before you decided to make the purchase? What swayed you in that direction?
i played it for a few minutes up at a local gamestop. man the thing is light! wasnt impressed too much with the graphics. so im not sure i can buy 1 without a price drop or a good bundle.
You were not impressed by the Vita graphics on a hand held unit?? Really?? You were not impressed??i played it for a few minutes up at a local gamestop. man the thing is light! wasnt impressed too much with the graphics. so im not sure i can buy 1 without a price drop or a good bundle.
I went to my local gamestop and preordered the Wifi Vita, 32GB Memory Card, Rayman Origins, Touch My Katamari, and Army of Hell.
Got the Wifi Vita paid off (started paying on it back in June 2011); going to pay off the rest at launch.
Only 15 Days till Launch!!! :D
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