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What distro are you putting on? I don't even own a ps3, but I damn well know how to use Linux. I know Ubuntu has one, I am just going to assume if say you want to use Ubuntu, you download the ps3 version, burn it, tell your ps3 to boot from it and just follow it from there. Though putting it on a Ps3, is rather useless, it's emulated, not all the spes work, no hardware acceleration. However it is useful for ripping stuff from the blu ray drive. (Use samba(Windows network emulation) to network with a Windows PC to grab the files off of the disc, or maybe watch a movie, though I doubt the movie will run very well inside the PS3. (Don't quote me on that, I've never tried it)
yh wel if u kno a lot den cud u b the one to help me i want to download linux to mi 80gb ps3 but how do i do it n wich linux should i use Audi__R_8Dude..English...use it.
ya dumb **** carnt u read its an english sentence wiv slang writing cba writing the full words keep ya nose out of other peoples businessAudi__R_8
I use Linux for development and as a server at home.. I've installed YellowDog Linux on my PS3
Linux is a opensource/free OS which is extremely brilliant for home/work based solutions. Forinstance I run a 3 DVB-T card Mythtv server, as well as a Webserver, Email server and a development environement.
Its very easy to install and has no ill effect on the PS3 other than you have to reparition your drive.
My conclusion was that the PS3 makes an extremely good Linux server (fast multi-core CPU) etc. However its far more useful as a native PS3 (Video/Media streaming), viewing Photo's and VIdeos and oh yes playing games. ONce the PS3 significantly come down in price I will buy one to use as my home server.
Any questions?
has any1 or does any1 know anyfink about Linux or have they installed Linux onto their ps3 successfully help me how to do it if you do coz im wanting to do it but need a few different ideas from different angles is it a good idea to do it ? is worth doing? is it eazy to install? wil there be any affects to the ps3? Audi__R_8
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