Looking for a certain type of game, help please?

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#1 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

I own a PS3 and for the past year I've really only been playing more action games with lots of guns, blood, dark environments, serious and dark tones, etc. Games like Metal Gear Rising, Lollipop Chainsaw, DmC, Crysis 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines (don't ask, yes I know), etc. But even a couple of more lighter titles like Lego Lord of the Rings. I have the new Tomb Raider on pre-order but Still, I don't seem to be finding any type of game that fulfills my hunger for discovery, great fantastical environments, etc. The last game that really gave me this type of feeling that I remember was Rygar: The Legendary Adventure on the PS2, as well as Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Tomb Raider on PS1. Or even Ico on PS2. Remember those?

What was so cool about Rygar was that not only was its tone not really dark, but the developers put a lot of focus on creating these really gorgeous worlds and great music to go along with it. I remember I'd go into a new area and it was be just really magical and amazing. And for a game like Tomb Raider, the discovery factor greatly outweighed the action. The last game on the PS3 that came close to that was Journey, but considering it was so short, it's hard to really count it.

I'm not really an RPG gamer but wouldn't mind getting into one. Any suggestions on games that have this sort of environmental/discovery magic that these old games had? A game that isn't realy about FPS/blood/guts/violence/darkness/evil/office buildings/corridors/hell, etc? I mean, granted, I love a nice violent game, but I think I've just had a bit too much. I can't really think of any games that can sort of give me that sense of wonder. I don't mind a more kiddie rating like E, but just as long as it's not a kid game. I was thinking Ni No Kun (i hope it's spelled right), or maybe Dishonored. any suggestions?

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#2 23Jarek23
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I've got a few suggestions, but they've all got violence in them unfortunately. Besides that though they're some of my favorites in terms of being open, full of exploration, the wow factor of discovering new areas, as well as amazing music. 


Assassins Creed 2 (and other AC titles, 2 being the best in my opinion)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (You can beat this whole game without killing anyone)

Batman Arkham City (there's violence, but batman doesn't kill)

Red Dead Redemption

Mass Effect series. 

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#3 DaRq_MiNoS
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Try checking these out:


Uncharted games

Far Cry 3


Dead Space series (at least the 1st and 2nd games)


Dishonored and Ni no Kuni are both awesome games, but I think you'd enjoy Dishonored more.

If you can't get enough Tomb Raider, I thought "Underworld" for the PS3 was a lot of fun. "Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light" is another Tomb Raider title that's available for download on the Playstation Store. It's a killer game, but you need 2 people to play it I think. One of you plays Lara and the other plays the Guardian of Light, and there are a lot of puzzles that require you to work together to solve.

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#4 The_Rick_14
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You should check out the Deathspank games. It's kind of a hack-n-slash but I felt it had a nice mix of atmosphere that was both dark and silly at the same time.


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#5 Threesixtyci
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Demon's Souls Dark Souls Bayonetta Ar Tonelico Star Ocean 4 Ace Combat 5 Fatal Frame 1-3 Haunting Ground Zone of the Enders 2
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#6 Blueresident87
Member since 2007 • 5978 Posts

I own a PS3 and for the past year I've really only been playing more action games with lots of guns, blood, dark environments, serious and dark tones, etc. Games like Metal Gear Rising, Lollipop Chainsaw, DmC, Crysis 2, Aliens: Colonial Marines (don't ask, yes I know), etc. But even a couple of more lighter titles like Lego Lord of the Rings. I have the new Tomb Raider on pre-order but Still, I don't seem to be finding any type of game that fulfills my hunger for discovery, great fantastical environments, etc. The last game that really gave me this type of feeling that I remember was Rygar: The Legendary Adventure on the PS2, as well as Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Tomb Raider on PS1. Or even Ico on PS2. Remember those?

What was so cool about Rygar was that not only was its tone not really dark, but the developers put a lot of focus on creating these really gorgeous worlds and great music to go along with it. I remember I'd go into a new area and it was be just really magical and amazing. And for a game like Tomb Raider, the discovery factor greatly outweighed the action. The last game on the PS3 that came close to that was Journey, but considering it was so short, it's hard to really count it.

I'm not really an RPG gamer but wouldn't mind getting into one. Any suggestions on games that have this sort of environmental/discovery magic that these old games had? A game that isn't realy about FPS/blood/guts/violence/darkness/evil/office buildings/corridors/hell, etc? I mean, granted, I love a nice violent game, but I think I've just had a bit too much. I can't really think of any games that can sort of give me that sense of wonder. I don't mind a more kiddie rating like E, but just as long as it's not a kid game. I was thinking Ni No Kun (i hope it's spelled right), or maybe Dishonored. any suggestions?


If you have any access to a 360, it sounds like The Witcher 2 would be a great game for you. It's an RPG with a very well created world that pulls you in immediately.

For PS3 try Deus Ex: Human Revolution and like you mention, Dishonored. Both are very good games and they feature a nice amount of depth in both gameplay and story.

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#7 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

thanks for the suggestions, I own a few already suggested (played through all the Uncharted games), and it looks like there's still PLENTY of life in my PS3 before I ever pick up a PS4 :)