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Level 1 and 1 post isn't that reliableKennyofhearts
yeh right KOTAKU is not reliable :roll:
dude are u serious? tell me u are joking plz
[QUOTE="Kennyofhearts"]Level 1 and 1 post isn't that reliablemobius1979
yeh right KOTAKU is not reliable :roll:
dude are u serious? tell me u are joking plz
lol, KOTAKU is the only site i "sort of" trust anymore, they are very rarely wrong, and plus Capcom already confirmed that PS3 woudl be getting Lost Planet, with all the add ons from PC and the 360 marketplace. yay!
Is this the big announcment plzzz GET A FU** OFF CAPCOM hajrudin1984
it was part of the announcement, Street fighter 4 was the main announcment
Is this the news we were all supposed to be drooling over? Lost Planet wasn't that great to begin with, and it's over a year old. Street Fighter 4?! After Soul Caliber, Virtua Fighter, etc, does anyone care anymore?
I have a betteridea Capcom: Put more resources into Resident Evil, so we get a quality game more than every 5 years. K?
um lost planet might be a learning curve for capcom to get more hang of the dev kit. again the game score a 8.1 so i guess heavily sword was not great either right.Is this the news we were all supposed to be drooling over? Lost Planet wasn't that great to begin with, and it's over a year old. Street Fighter 4?! After Soul Caliber, Virtua Fighter, etc, does anyone care anymore?
I have a betteridea Capcom: Put more resources into Resident Evil, so we get a quality game more than every 5 years. K?
Word. At least developers are starting to pay a little more attention to the PS3. The PS3 would have a better market if developers would take the time to utilize bluray's capabilities, and this little bit of attention it's getting is a step, even though it's small, towards a positive thing. I didn't get this for the 360 but maybe with all the extras and stuff it's getting I'll have to give it a look on the god to all of you SF haters. shut up. really. just shut up.
your entire thought process. just stop it. idiots, all of you i swear.
you're getting games on the ps3. shut up. ps3 is getting attention from capcom.
shut up.
even if they announced a new ip with sf4. you'd still be complaining so shut up.
complain to the air why don't you.
[QUOTE="Jbul"]um lost planet might be a learning curve for capcom to get more hang of the dev kit. again the game score a 8.1 so i guess heavily sword was not great either right.Is this the news we were all supposed to be drooling over? Lost Planet wasn't that great to begin with, and it's over a year old. Street Fighter 4?! After Soul Caliber, Virtua Fighter, etc, does anyone care anymore?
I have a betteridea Capcom: Put more resources into Resident Evil, so we get a quality game more than every 5 years. K?
Your right 8.1 means a good game.
Lost planet is a good game and really ps3 only owners should be happy, i know its not the big exclusive some of you were hoping for but in reality that was never going to happen considering capcoms stance on multiplatform gaming.
In reality its a good thing, now people interested in a a good game with a decent story, good gameplay,massive original(that can either be good or bad depending on what you like) boss battles,beautiful graphics and lovely vista enviroments to play in, and a good multiplayer compenent(this depends on taste).
Now every ps3 only owner can play the first one(its definitly worth a rental) and the 2nd game will also come to ps3.
Now i hope you guys get dead rising before the 2nd one comes out as IMO that was the better of the 2 games.
i was a little disapointed as i was hoping for lost planet 2 and dead rising 2.
Also whats quite funny is seeing certain people who called lp a piece of poo now saying lp was a good game(im not refering to anybody in this thread).
LP is a good game and its good that ps3 owners get to play it if a little late, better late than never.
Weak. A year-old port; Capcom loves you now.X_CAPCOM_X
Well, most people where happy with the 3yr old NGSigma....I was one of them. lol
This itself isnt a great annoucement ( unless you havent played lost Planet, than it is :P ) But this may lead to more goodness. If this sells well,we can expect Lost Planet 2, or possibly a Dead Rising Sequel.Cutekitten6_18
Its not gonna sell well because its a year old port, and the game is mediocre
Whooptie freaking doooo! They give a not so good game an exclusive to M$ then they throw the PS3 community a bone? Who cares? I would've loved to have played dead rising as opposed to this mediocre shooter. This was Capcom's announcement for PS3 users? Very underwhelming...
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