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I'm not saying anything here that's never been heard before...
EA Sports. 'Nuff Said.
They have this issue with a lot of games (the "Fight Night" games & "Tiger Woods" do that too), and quite frankly, I'm so tired of hearing the same commentary over and over that I just end up turning it off anyway. To say that EA has stagnated is a gross understatement at best. But that's what happens when there's no competition allowed since 2005 (I think? When was that last 2K Sports football game?) to EA's title.
They just squat the bowl and grunt out another Madden, people buy it, and then the ****ers at EA don't even bother to wipe in preparation for next year's version. Pathetic.
Don't know what to tell you... Madden 11 is the very last time for me. Luckily, The Pack is rated highly and Farvre is off the roster in that version, so I really don't need another version ever again!
PS - They have a "This Week In The NFL" sort of video show in between games in franchise mode... Guess the took that out of 12? Any ol' way it falls, I'll never buy another EA Sports game. I stopped buying Tiger two or three versions agao because of the greedy DLC course scheme, "FN Round 4" because of the greedy unlock-stuff-already-on-disc scheme, and now Madden because I think it's physics model is worse than I've ever seen it, and players making two-toe grabs before falling out of bounds is the rule instead of the exception, penalties are few and far between, the game is really just a mess at times. It's fun here & there, but predominantly it's a broken record that skips to the same groove again and again and again... Without commentary, for you...
Sorry, bud! I feel your pain.
thats ea sports for ya.. i quit buying maddens after '10.. there are more bugs in those games than a hookers @ss, the ncaa's are MUCH better and mostly glitch free..
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