If I buy Mafia 2 new right now, would I get The Betrayal Of Jimmy with it? And If I bought Joes Adventures DLC, is there an ending to that one? Also for Joes Adventures, would I keep my cars and money from Vito? Thanks
I don't know about Joe's Adventures, but regarding the Betrayal of Jimmy, you will probably get it. I think it's supposed to come with all PS3 copies. I bought a copy on eBay a few weeks ago and mine came with it. If you buy it in a store - you can tell if it comes with it because it will say right on the cover. If you buy it from a site like eBay, just ask the seller before you buy it.
You should still get Betrayal of Jimmy as it's ps3 exclusive content. I haven't played Joes Adventures, but having played the game, I don't believe you'd get anything from Vito.
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