(ok Gamers.... Please don't be trying to snap and go crazy on here....before mods come in... Because I know how few gamers act....please be Mature)
Okay now everyone thinks that MAG is a big flop butjust Beta players are still holding on to it and few already purchased
the copy But, why im going to say that MAG is going to be worth your 60.00 is becuase
-Its going to last every dollar (its not KZ2 or MW2 and when KZ3 or MW3 comes out you move on...and there goes 120.00 even tho we love them :) )
-It's 256 players like come on now your whole friends list can all be togther in one whole team! there is no need for " Im in a game yo wait till im done"
and then keep sending non stop invites when they could be playing the game with you instead of sitting and waiting on each other
-It's really good servers. Even for all256 PS3's every server (becuase on the beta it was working fine) so no lagging!
-It's the real game...Not the BETA do not be upset becuase you basically played an online demo....Im sure their will be multiple things to do.
- Trophies (for Trophy hunters) im sure their will be some challenges becuase it's something new
- Just like Heavy Rain people.. its something new... a new challenge...a new game...not the same thing over and over and over and over and over again..
use your brain and try something new its not like your spending 60.00 on a short campaign and online game thats only going to be hot until a new release comes out next week. Get a game thats set on your $$$$ instead of you chasing for it.
- Techically this game is a Massive Action Game but, its also a online Co-Op game just like real special operatives. You have to work as a team and get your objective done.. So basically, its like a MW2 on spec ops EXCEPT more challenging, Huge maps, andmore team mates. Its also like a huge team deathmatch accept it will maybe even longer and better becuase its a war on every server not a little mini battle. Its not all about running running around on your own expectations and yourown strategy becuase its your team mates that need you and vice versa to be successful and to keep surviving like on Army of Two you need your team mate to keep on going becuase obviously the game isn't army of one so this title make sure you put in Army of Two hundred and Fifty-Six(lol who like that?!?!??! shout outs for Eazy1891 for that lol))
-This is a game for friends who areyour teammatesand also, the game isallowing you to think more and be like " okay what are we gong to do and how are we going to survive and how should blah, blah, blah, blah, and I get past this to do our part. And your friends who aren't or have made sure they do not bring their BMM (button mashing mode lol) or RASM (Run and shoot mode) with them to to make your tactics successful go through. Now this game is all about paitence & tacticsalso..
Its a new challengeNow if you don't like that then just stay on what other FPS game you play and please stop kicking this one in its back. Most of the time on MW2 or any other FPS you really have to think before you really get things done or take your time instead of running around stabbing people, running on to the field shooting everywhere, Sniping or camping non stop without paying attention becuase most of the time you aren't really the top 3 in the game or your just playing as if you are Kratos or Solid snake.. MAG is just something new and of course a WAR not MATCH a WAR when you play. Im sure when people are in the army, marines, navy, military, and etc they don't just run around and go action movie...it's strategy sometimes and that was just what was MAG's role on a War zone. (I like that title War Zone lol should be a new game lol).
NOTE: I am not trying to push anyone's buttons or make this game seem like its the best FPS ever but majority of you guys have to all understand that its all about it being "Something new with Strategy,Tactics, and patience" its just perhaps some of you guys got misunderstood maybe how it was commercial and promoting was. (like for example how Borderlands is a RPS and Heavy Rain is like a mystery like you know what I mean..) I understand how some of you lost it BUT I think its worth a buy and reminder the BETA is nothing like that game..
but yeah :) :) :)
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