i never owned the game but i borrowed it from my friend for a week, and well its ok but i think cod4, and vegas 2 is better, but i think they could have done alot better!
well judging by the games you like.You only like tactical shooters, as for me I hate tactical shooters. so if you hate this game you must hat Resistance fall of man,.Witch IMO is a great game like this game. and the major flaw IMO is the 1 hit kill Knife.
It doesn't take you 10 bullets if you know what you're doing.ItsEvolution
ok i relized that i over exagerated but there is deffinetly little glitches that make it seem like you need alot more shoots then you need, i mean i have these times in the game were i will be shooting a guy rom a distance looking through my sights and it still take like 5 secs to kill him, in cod4 that wouldnt be a problem! and i use the m16
No prone - wtf, how can a sniper blend in when he can't go prone???
Hit detection - something is messed up with sniping. I've nailed people in the head with the M95 and they don't die. I think it's distance related, but regardless it's still a little weird.
Find all five - what a stupid thing to unlock some cool weapons...really annoying.
Under other I would like to add - All of the above! Bad Company was a huge disappointment! Being a big fan of BF series this is definitely the worst game in the franchise still its not bad but it gets boring real fast even online! CoD4 is much more fun online.
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