I wanted to know what was going on with the Makai Wars Project so I sent NIS America an e-mail. NIS is the company that made the Disgaea series. They told me the game has been put on hold for both the PS3 and PSP. They said the game might even be canceled but they did say there was some good news if a lot of people were to want Makai Wars then there would be a chance NIS would go back and work on the game. They even said before the game was put on hold they were looking at ways to allow you to use both the the PSP version and PS3 together if you had both versions. So if people want this game to come out I think you might want to send NIS America an e-mail. I am not sure if I can put the e-mail on this site but I think I can give you the link the e-mail info will be on this page if you want to send them some mail. http://www.nisamerica.com/faq.htm
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