I can definatley see why it won game of the year on xbox. Mass Effect 2 is awesome! Its got a great story, great characters, great atmosphere, great gameplay, just great all around. Its got a lot going on so I'm never bored and even though I'm level 23 and havn't finished the game, I can't wait to start my second playthrough.
There are some odd momments though, especially playing as a female character. Its like the game was intentionally designed for people to play the male character. You can see this oftenas the female is butchest, toughest, deepest voiced woman in the galaxy. From the way she sits like a man, dances like a man, runs like a man etc, it can definatley raise an eyebrow. The feminine part of the female is so lost, it makes you feel like you are playing as a crossdresser with a nice body.
Aside from the little things, ME2 is an all around polished game that will keep you entertained for a long, long time and its well worth every penny you spend to get it.
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