Guys if you've read any of my posts you can clearly see I'm what you call a "In Sony's defense Fan boy" but recently I've been really pondering getting a 360. I'm just getting tired of waiting on everything and not really having any info from Sony really about anything. Shoot we hear info weeks ahead of time from the rumor mill just to turn out to be true. So why don't sony just come clean on things such as updates. I mean the 2.40 update we've heard the 10th, 12th and recently the 18th of june for this update. This close to those dates why don't they just announce it and if it really is bogus then some crazy retards need to quit making up crap lol.
Thurs. PS store updates for u.s east coast why in the world is this update at 5pm or 7pm? I mean just hold it off and actually do a Fri update at midnight thurs. so people who work during the days can actually look forward to the update. Also whats with this crap of EU store, UK store, US store and Japan store? Didn't we all buy a ps3, why does another store get demo's we don't. Shoot I've been playing BF:bc now practically all day cause its on the UK store but not the US store lol, just stupid I believe. And one more thing if Qore starts up and running why not do that on like the first tues of the month followed by the thurs store update. This atleast for one week seems as though your getting alot of content.
No advertising from Sony's part I mean I try to tell people about the ps3 but as of right now I'm done with it. I mean 1 week from MGS4 and I have yet to see any advertisments for it. Shoot if they don't want to tell people then the heck with I'm not going to either. Cause that is what they are living off of right now in the U.S. is word of mouth.
Delays and cancelled games. I'll just say enough is enough 1 1/2 years in and still going strong on delayed games and such. This is an idea for Sony just don't tell us gamers about a game 4 years ahead of time maybe 6 months. Shoot there was no word on Socom and now look its fixing to be released in Sept and thats how it should be, well atleast hopefully.
Theres more but I'm just to tired and definitly glad that MGS4 comes out next week "maybe" lol. But I'm really starting to ponder the thought of atleast being neutral in all of this and getting a 360 so then I can have most options. Trust me though I won't do it unless I find one in a pawn shop for cheap lol. But the search is on.
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