Lol I came up with a funny comparison, its like this:
McCain is powerful, and getting a majority of people(Like the Xbox, quite powerful and selling millions upon millions.)
McCain is a maverick, but a liar at best, and picking Palin was the biggest mistake of his campaign but they knew it was a mistake(Like the Xbox, its well known, but its deceiving and can lead to a RROD, and Microsofts biggest mistake was selling it knowing it would have many problems like the RROD.)
Obama is laid back, smooth, sturdy, and getting more of the majority coming back like McCain did at first(2005/2008 beginning, but now catching up like the sells of PS3's go higher and higher, almost passing the 360.)
Obama is a Christian getting a bad rap of being muslim and terrorist, didnt do so well at first, and now is finally making his mark(Like the PS3, people said it was just for Blu-rays, didnt have no good games, called it the "Failstation 3", and had some good, but not dominating exclusives at first, but now the end of 08', its having so many good titles, Xbox cant keep up. And the election is this year!)
Could the PS3 be the predicting fate of Obama/As so the 360 of McCain?
Who did you vote for and why?
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