If you don't play the previous games, you're not going to get a lot of references and jokes and things like that, which will only leave you coming out of the experience with a response of "Meh.." or 'Hey, cool.." at best.
This doesn't mean you necessarily HAVE to play the previous games, but I suggest you do.
If you're into story and script when it comes to entertainment, then by all means, play the previous games.
Otherwise, the twists and turns end up just being minor, when they could have been "Whoa!" moments.
If you don't want to play previous games, at least learn the story.
But if you really want to appreciate the characters, then I'd suggest playing the games.
I wasn't into MGS until two months ago. I managed to beat the series and then pick up MGS4 a couple weeks ago.
I loved it.
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