Why the graphycs look like **** on my syncmaster 933hd at 720p?
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Why the graphycs look like **** on my syncmaster 933hd at 720p?
do you have brightness/contrast calibrated? they play a big part on how good the gfx look you know...
Indeed. And a lot of the auto settings on these new TV's are crappy.
Really with that type of response. This game is nothing short of phenominal.Because the game itself is ***
I understand that everyone has an opinion, but to not give this game ANY props is kind of suspect.
BTW, the graphics are not the best and never were on the the PS3, IMO. It is the gameplay and story that makes this game shine so well.
Games graphics are FAR from ****, and are actually pretty great. With that said, it is not as good as Uncharted 2 and some others. For it's time it was best on consoles if I recall. In some ways the game looks better then anything, but low res textures here and there definitely show at times. AMAZING game though.
I have found that you need to turn the contrast up pretty high for this game. But the graphics are good either way.
Looked amazing to me.. Must be something wrong with your settings.MethodManFTWThe same here. People need to understand that before getting a HDTV they need to do research and buy according to what your going to use it for, if it is for Videogames you better go with a well know brand with the best TV video proccessors. HDTV printed in a box doesn't means the best image and colors and even know brands sometimes need to be calibrated, i had to calibrate my Sony Bravia when using my Wii and after that it looks great.
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