Just recently i beat MGS4 for my second time and i noticed something i didn't notice the first playthrough.
Whenever Snake dies the traditional Continue/Exit screen shows up, but near the end of the game something different happens. The "Exit" word changes several times to what seems to be "Exist", and if we choose that option we hear Liquid Ocelot saying "It's not over yet, Snake." and the "Continue" word gets highlited, as if forcing you to not give up and continue the game. What i did notice in my second playthrough is that "Exist" is actually "Exi5t"!
That and that cutscenes where we see something similar to XMB with all the games in the series and (i think) 2 slots saying "Work in progress" are good indications that we might see a MGS5.
So have you guys noticed this and what do you think? Do you think Kojima is just playing around with us or is he seriously thinking about working in a new game in the series with Snake?
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