MGS4 remains an exclusive but anythings possible and if other games such as FFXIII don't stay the course and remain exclusive it most likely will be multi platform.. But as of right now MGS4 is exclusive to PS3. GTA4 is on both PS3 and 360 thats old news. Most recently Devil May Cry 4 announced going to 360 as well as PS3 which is a big blow imo.. but things will get better for PS3 I believe they have ALOT of talent in house (i.e. Sony put out God of War, Rachet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Shadow of the Colosus) and those will always be sony exclusive series. so don't FRET! I will be getting a PS3 and I think its a wise choice, but I sure wish I could play gears of war and Lost Planet droooollll... thats what a year prep time gets 360 though.
Metal Gear is exclusive. GTAIV has not been for a long time. Go get a 360 if you want. Just remember to factor in $50 a year for Live and $30 each year after the first for the extended warranty.
mgs4 is just for ps3, gtaIV is for both....but trust me, you're gonna be pissed that you didn't spend a little more money and get the ps3. you know once you realize xbox really only has 2 good games that aren't on both systems and/or once it breaks and/or when you pay a crap load for online services that playstation has for free
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