I must be lucky or something, I always find hard to find games on ebay. I go on late night and search for games. I got Portable ops and test Drive from there. You know, It's always worth a try.
You can try goozex.com,ops is good if you want the story but the online play is virtually non-existent for ops because nobody goes on that one anymore.If you get plus youll be playing it longer cuz there are tons of people online and they added alot of new things for online play.EX:You can dance or do taunts,you can now chat to other players besides just using short messages,lots of new weapons and you can unlock RAIDEN and OLD SNAKE.online name,ARMY_KNIGHT,pro clan if you think you can make the cut, tryout.
If you don't plan on buying online I can guarantee that you won't find a new copy the first place you look, so its probably best to go on amazon or ebay, or if you really don't want to buy online you'll probably just have to settle for a used copy
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