Try the demo that's out right now...
It is hard, but very rewarding and fun. And like the poster above, it's a very niche game. So try the demo first.
The demo definitely didn't help me in my decision on purchasing the game. In fact, after playing the demo it put me off from buying it. But I still bought it anyway, and I'm very glad I did. Granted I second playing the demo first to see if you like it, but you may not like the demo. Overall I think 25 dollars is a great deal and it's really worth a try if you have a lot of time to put into this title. Like the other guy said it's a challenge, but it can be very rewarding and it makes you feel like you accomplish something.
Really? The demo made the game for me, once I got a hold of a weapon I liked. I really started to get how long the battles were, etc. I'm a Hammer/Light Bowgun person myself.I just don't know why, but the demo just didn't help me a bit. I found it-- well boring... which is funny because I find the actual game fun. :P Maybe because I had no idea what I was doing and just trying to get used to the controls. I probably would have liked it better if they gave more indepth tutorials on the controls, fights and the noncombat experience.
Yeah I love using the hammer and the Bowgun. But I think my favorite is just the sword and shield.
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