Omg....know one knows how i feel right now. I been through months of agony and pain trying to get my stupid cheap netopia modem from centurytel to's a little background of the problem. The netopia modem is a dsl modem that connects to the internet only through usb, atleast mine did. I tried everything to get the ethernet to work on it so i can hook a router to it....
Nope, never got it to work...which means absolutely no routers would work with it. Doesn't matter, configuration, technician, whateva, it wasn't gonna work. So something came to mind, just replace the damn thing with a different dsl modem, but i feared i would go through agony with a router again. So i got to looking, found the perfect one for me, a 3 in 1 ASDL modem that consist of DSL MODEM, ROUTER FUNCTIONALITY, and WIRELESS. I knew this was the one. But, I was skeptical, would it actually work for me. All this is knew to me as I never had online gaming before. But, i kept my head up and went through the hassle.
I placed the order for the d-link 3 in 1 for $80+ after accidently hitting the fed express shipping that ran the bill to $102. Yes, imagine my face after i realized it....WTF!!! Finally it comes through the mail, im happy....not done yet though, I gotta hook it up. I connect all the wires accordingly. Made some adjustments in the router after accessing it with "admin". I run autoconnect, "CANNOT DETECT SETTINGs" or something like that..."OMG"...the modem package is like only half refundable if the plastic seal is even broken. I call d-link tech sup, find out i need to call my "ISP" company, to see if they will give me the peramters..."WTF, OMG". More hassle.
Its getting late i planned to do it the next day...I get up early for work, quickly try to connect the d-link modem again. I access the interface. I see some numbers i didn't see before. I enable wireless, hit "next,". "Modem is rebooting", im wondering will this work, im steadily looking down at the modems internet led light to see if it comes on which is off...After it auto rebooted...the internet led light lit up along with a jollywollysmockawollybigsmileonmyface. Ran internet connection on my PS3 and "INTERNET CONNECTION SUCCEEDED!!!!" thats my story.
P.S Anyway i have to go to work, so i won't be reading any comments till some 8hours from now....
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