Hello my freaks of the PS3 forum. Shooters seems to be very popular these days and I can see why, blowing up your enemy and watching their body go clear cross the map is a mentally orgasmic feeling. It is a feeling of great pride that you can do something so evil and cool and get away with it, but for me that is not enough. Socom Confrontation may have been half assed compaired to alot of other great PS3 titles but it did one thing oh so right, the taunts.
Even when I was loosing I would love to break out and dance. Yeah I know it is an odd feature to request from more game devs but I want to be able to do the robot in Bad Company 2 or the funky chicken in Modern warefare 2(Lets face it, if it has duel wielding and throwing knifes dancing will not hurt). Some of you may disagree with this while others may like the idea. I don't want anything crazy, just little things to rub alittle salt into their virtual wounds.So in conclusion I think all shooters or even other competitive games should have a wide variety or taunts and silly dances to help celebrate your online victory over the online world. So what do you all think about more taunts?
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