well everyone already knows of the story that home will be released along with little big planet everyone thought that this was october 21st because is was the american release date. over in europe the release date is the 24th and according to this report the release date is october 24th. you cant say its wrong because no 1 ever said the release date was october 21st we all just though it will be released with the american release of little big planet but anyway lets hope for the best
"Sony hasn't announced a launch date for Home, which is in private beta. Buser would only say it will be this fall. But then as we were checking out the new space in "Home" devoted to Sony's game "Uncharted" we noticed that the code to get in one of the locked doors is "1024." And Buser added that the number comes from the front of the apartment buildings where Home users have their "personal space." "But who knows what it means?" he added (I'm paraphrasing).
Gee, what could the number 1024 mean in an online service that doesn't have a launch date beyond "fall?" Let's think really hard about this one..."
for those of who who dont see it 10/24 is the date
link to the full thing
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