What is the most annoying video game enemy?
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The Master Hand in Super Smash Bros- it's annoying fighting the same easy @ss boss everytime you play story mode...i realize this probably shouldn't be on a PS3 forum so ill give a PS3 annoying boss.
I would say.....Final Boss in Street Fighter 4 because he seems just invincible or maybe its the fact that im not very good at the game itself. o.O
I hate any boss that repeats the same voice clips over and over... just makes me wanna rush through the boss so I don't needa hear him anymore, when I should be enjoying myself. When the boss is actually challenging, then it makes it even worse.
[QUOTE="Flame_Blade88"]Golbat /thread.ryrulezSince when was Pokemon on the ps3? Golbat eclipses any annoying enemy on the PS3 :x
[QUOTE="ryrulez"][QUOTE="Flame_Blade88"]Golbat /thread.Flame_Blade88Since when was Pokemon on the ps3? Golbat eclipses any annoying enemy on the PS3 :x :lol:What about Crobat?!
id have to say the priests in gears of war 2, especially when playing horde. i sincerely hate them. all they do is stand back and throw gas grenades like a bunch of p**sies. i also agree with the headcrabs from half life 2.
Got to be the headcrabs from HL2. Why is the crowbar more effective on these things than guns?
Because crowbars are epic.
But the most irritating boss recently has to be Radec from Killzone 2. Maybe part of that was that my PS3 died like, a SECOND before I finished the fight, and had to do the whole thing over again. Luckily I beat him pretty easily the second time and got the trophy for beating him quickly.
Also, Sanctus from DMC 4 is pretty up there.
[QUOTE="Flame_Blade88"][QUOTE="Sportsnut101"]:lol:What about Crobat?!Sportsnut101He's not in the wild and you know it! :lol: ...Dammit:( haunter was just as bad no physical attacks work =( anyways for ps3 the final boss in prototype, he somehow knows what your going to do just beffore you hit him and then when ur in mid air bang he takes half your life =/
Golbat isn't bad because you actually get a hefty amount of Exp. from a decent level one (inside Victory Road), and they give 1 or 2 Speed EV's. So when you couple that important fact with the fact that they are incredibly abundant when surfing in Victory Road, Golbat's can be life-savers. Two most annoying pokemon enemies are Geodude and Zubat, hands down.
But non-Nintendo enemies that I can think of off of the top of my head, without naming a boss since thoe aren't enemies -coughcough-: Satyrs - God of War / Juggernauts - Modern Warfare 2 / The tougher Behemoths - FFX / Any person on Uncharted (2) Crushing mode and their capability to dodge your crosshair, because they can magically duck out of the way while you're unloading a pistol.
Golbat isn't bad because you actually get a hefty amount of Exp. from a decent level one (inside Victory Road), and they give 1 or 2 Speed EV's. So when you couple that important fact with the fact that they are incredibly abundant when surfing in Victory Road, Golbat's can be life-savers. Two most annoying pokemon enemies are Geodude and Zubat, hands down.
But non-Nintendo enemies that I can think of off of the top of my head, without naming a boss since thoe aren't enemies -coughcough-: Satyrs - God of War / Juggernauts - Modern Warfare 2 / The tougher Behemoths - FFX / Any person on Uncharted (2) Crushing mode and their capability to dodge your crosshair, because they can magically duck out of the way while you're unloading a pistol.
i had no issue with uncharted crushing enemies, cos i played through on the hardest modes both times altho it is probly cos i have been obsessed with 3rd person shooters. what i really hate is the spiders in RE5 its bad enough that you cant move while you shoot but for them to jump on you =/ also borderlands all enemies with elecrtic shots, assasins creed with the crusaders omg they were so horrible! i killed one finally and he came back to life! like he is a zombie! then like a few hits and you die.Also hated the invisible one hit killing chimera from Resistance 2.azzezinothis. those are the chameleons i think.
He was easy as when he went invisible i thought. I mean just needed a full clip of ammo in the assault rifle n he'll get takin out before he reaches you. And radec wasn't exactly annoying, just hard, but really rewarding. I only wish that KZ2 had co-op offline, so then fight radec would have been so much funner, with friend would have been crack up. And like Warhawk_ i also mostly died against him and not much to others.Radec off Killzone 2.Must you turn invisible?:x
I thought the Head Crabs in Half Life 1 were more annoying than the ones in 2. I also found the Medusa Heads in Castlevania to be extremely annoying as well.Got to be the headcrabs from HL2. Why is the crowbar more effective on these things than guns?
The minotaur from GoW1, the game's awesome, but I could never figure out how to do the quick-time event, until my third play-through, the first 2 were luck.
Radec from Killzone 2, love the game, hate that boss, still haven't beat him either.
All bosses unless thier easy why are they called bosses why not BIG BAD GUYS or something their not the leader but I guess they had to call them something right.
any boss with silly quicktime events (playing gow 1 now) :P sometimes they can be frustrating! joel_c17
Oh god, Zeus in GOW2 pissed me right off.
I would agree with you in ANY game. They aren't fun and cutsenses are just meant to be watched. I prefer Metal Gear's method where a push of a button gave you a different perspective.
Emperial Guards! - Oblivion. I don't like psychic cop systems
On the subject of cops, Cops from GTA4 and how the magically spawn right in front of you chasing you across three islands on one star. I also think Grand Theft Awesome said it best with the cop that shows up out of nowhere with a shotgun and instantly kills you.
Skeleton fish from Ninja Gaiden.. you can flail with all your might and still get mauled. And the essence from the fallen ones is so tempting but you still have to finish the rest of the hordes but by the time you're done most of the essence is gone and you can't recover your health!!!! :cry:
I don't know why people found Radec so hard from KZ2.. I beat him third try and got the trophy.
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