Most overrated:
LittleBigPlanet - it's just a boring game, with poor control (floaty physics) and lack of challenge.
Mass Effect 3 - disappointing compared to the previous 2. ME1 had great plot and universe development, ME2 had great characters. ME3 offered NOTHING.
Uncharted 2/3 - Have you tried playing the single player again? It's just boring, and the gameplay is simply not more than what Uncharted:DF offered back when it first came out (those of you who are level-minded will agree with me, ESPECIALLY if you played DF).
Heavy Rain - If I want to watch a movie, I go to the theatres.
Portal 2 - honestly, people don't notice this, but the way interaction with the enviroment is limited (ie, grey vs white blocks) makes the game turn into a trial and error type of game (ie, it leaves open-ended puzzles out of the equation). Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but it totally sucks the replay value out of the game. Once a puzzle is finished, the magic is completely gone.
COD [treyarch games] - W.A.W and Black ops are significantly choppy/unbalanced compared to the infinitiy ward games. Really bad.
MGS4 - though a great game, it does NOT deserve a 10/10. At most, an 8.
Persona 4 - this has one of the worst gameplay pacing ever. The game is designed in such a way (ie, limited days that's constantly getting thrown in your face from day to day) that you're forced to either do long periods of monster grinding OR long periods of NPC talking to max out your time. Overall, 8/10. Just b/c it's a JRPG with a solid story/ decent battle system doesn't mean it should be highly rated. Game design counts too, and this game's design just lends itself to be an only decent experience. Like I said, 8/10, not 9 or 10/10.
Most underrated / Not played or talked about enough:
Xenoblade Chronicles - highly rated, but not played/talked about enough. Excellent game AND experience (music/world/gameplay is amazing).
World of Goo - in terms of indie games, all I hear about is super meat boy, braid, and limbo, and bastion - but honestly, in terms of fun, addictive gameplay, and also in terms of atmosphere and mature story telling, this game is on the top of my list (indie AND non-indie).
If you think Uncharted 2 and 3 played like the original, then you are not very smart. The gunplay felt a lot tighter in sequels. The rapid fire guns did not feel like they had substance in the first game. The stealth combat made melee combat a lot better. There was a lot more variety in location instead of just running through a jungle and caves. There was also more variation in the types of bad guys that were fought in the Uncharted sequels. Not every gun fight was fought in a square like area. Not every bad guy was fought on an even level playing field.
Little Big Planet is not supposed to be a Mario type of platformer. It might not be your type of game, but it is not boring. The jumping is supposed to be floaty. The developers purposely built the game that way.
How is Xenoblade and World of Goo underrated? Those games received high marks around the web. The reason World of Goo was not talked about was because it was on Wiiware. A lot of people that owned the Wii never went online with it due to Nintendo's restrictive nature and lack of Ethernet Jack support. Xenoblade could been talked about more if Nintendo actually had solid plans to release the game instead of claiming that it would never see the light of day in America, but then finally making it available in limited quantities.
1) Uncharted's gameplay hasn't actually changed much, believe it or not. Do some more analyzing. All the devs did was throw different types of enemies at you (ie: those with shields, so you'd HAVE to aim at their feet). It's the same with the climbing mechanics, they just forced you to scale buildings/structures differently. That all aside, shooting, cover, and climbing mechanics are IDENTICAL to that DF. Also, enemies are bullet sponges, making the gunplay very weak. Open your eyes.
2) LBP was boring TO ME. Holy shoot, that is my opinion (and actually most of my friends' opinions as well). Also, if you're a fan of platformers AT ALL, floaty physics is a terrible idea. What you want in platformers is total control.
3) I mentioned in the subsection title that "not played or talked about". Please learn to read. I'm aware of all those facts, and also WoG was released on the smartphones and steam, therefore it should be talked about more than it should be. However, I do acknowledge one thing, and that is that I have the european version of xenoblades actually (not the actual hardcopy...but that's another story), so I guess others haven't had the opportunity to own and play it like I have, so that's my mistake.
Your complaints about Uncharted could be used for any franchise. A character does not have to hav 50 billion different moves to make things interesting. If you played Prototype 1,, then you will see that making characters have a bunch of different moves might actually hurt the overall game. From your standpoint, I could say that all Sidescrolling Mario games are the same. It is just run, jump, run jump. The developers just changed the platforms in each level to force you to use the same two mechanics differently. I could also say that F-zero is crap because I all you do is accelerate and boost. The developers only changed tracks around to force you to use those two moves differently. Every game has only a few core mechanics it uses over and over again. The rest is always up to level design. I could argue that the whole first person shooter genre is crap because all you do is run around and shoot enemies. The developers only changed the structures in each level forcing you to use those attributes differently. Welcome to the world of video games. Hi my name is Lauren. I will be your tour guide.
If Little Big Planet played like a Mario game, then there would not have been the possiblity any type of creation tools to make levels. Each level in a Mario game was built around the way Mario moves. When giving creation tools to people that do not understand programming, you cannot have the main character have tight control because then you have to limit what kind of platforms people can create as well as how characters respond to them. Media Molecules wanted to make the possibilities of creation endless, so they gave the main character a bit of a floaty in order for it to react to different types of objects. Anyone from watching gameplay footage of the first game can tell that it was not meant to be a Mario game at all. It is fine to not like the game, but to criticize it because it does not play like a Mario or Rayman is being unfair. Your complaint against Little Big Planet would be akin to saying that a hamburger tastes bad because it does not taste like a hot dog. Hamburgers are not supposed to taste like hot dogs because they are their own thing. Little Big Planet is its own game. It is not a Mario game. If every platformer played like Mario, then the genre would be pretty stale. Why would want to play a knock off of something else? Why not play the real thing?
I did read what you wrote and my comment still stands. How many apps or games are released on smart phones a day? Probably a good bit. How many people actually continue to play smart phone games again and again. Sure, there are some good ones out there that might bring people back again and again. There is also a reason most of those games only cost a dollar. Games purchased for smartphones are bought on impulse. Xenoblade is not talked about simply because it came out on the Wii in 2011 in Europe and 2012 in North America. The interest in Wii pretty much died after Donkey Kong Country Returns came out in November of 2010. People came back for the new Zelda, the system has been dead since early 2011. Even Nintendo failed to Mention Mario Party 9 at E3 that year. Since the Wii was branded as a family system, RPG players did not look to the machine for a fix. Nintendo of America also stated on numerous occasions that it had no plans to release Xenoblade in the USA. When Nintendo finally did release the game, it was only available to purchase at Gamestop and Nintendo's website. Xenoblade did not have a proper release like every other game. Nintendo basically did not have faith in the game at all and only put out limited quantities to appease people.
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