I'm on the objective where I need to "Find the Joker with the serum and stop him from becoming immortal" but first things first, I need to break into the building where he's hiding, and holding Talia Al-Ghul captive. The problem is, he has a dozen of his scumbags standing on multiple buildings monitoring the entire vicinity and beyond with snipers, so it's impossible to find a way around them anywhere. My only strategy is to try and take them down one by one, but this is hardly even possible to do considering the fact that each time I take one of them down, it immediately draws all the other hostiles' attention and they all just begin unloading their snipers at me with full force, no matter how quietly or sneakily take one of them down. It's extremely difficult to escape their snipers' line of sight once they do begin pointing at me, and the smoke pellet is of little use since it takes far too long to recharge and eventually they see me after I leave the cloud of covering smoke.
Am I doing this right, by quietly trying to take down each thug one by one? Because it seriously isn't working out for me so far, and it's gotten to the point where I've nearly given up on it. I can say that this is definitely the most frustrating, difficult part of the game so far.
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