I agree that Resistance was not included in the bundle because of the Mature rating.
But by doing this, sales of Resistance will continue to increase. I think that Sony owes Insomniac games for coming out with fantastic quality games. The overwhelming majority of PS3 owners also own a copy of Resistance. Sony would be smart to drop the price of Resistance down to $40 in August thus ensuring that basically every new PS3 owner will have a copy of Resistance AND Motorstorm in their library. The global servers have recently been unified. I think you will continue to see Resistance's online community expand fairly rapidly for another year. The overall quality of Resistance online is excellent.
Motorstorm also has outstanding online play. In many ways, I think Motorstorm online is better than Resistance online. The graphics are downright nasty and the racing is intense. If I wanted to show new PS3 users how awesome online gaming is on the Playstaton Network, I'd let them play Motorstorm.Why? Because as good as Resistance is online, it's not Halo. And that's what it is always going to be compared against.
I honestly don't think there is nothing on Xbox Live that can compare with Motortorm.
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