Hi all, just wondering if there is a way i can reset my rank? Or do i have to make another account on psn? Just fancy starting again, and getting rid of my awful stats :/.
You'll need to make another account for that to work. All your stats are kept on the MW2 servers, and unless you have access to those servers there's no way to delete it.
Ahh ok, i was thinking of making another one anyway. Also just one more thing, can i transfer game saves over to the new account? I dont want 2 start again on littlebigplanet xP
Ahh ok, i was thinking of making another one anyway. Also just one more thing, can i transfer game saves over to the new account? I dont want 2 start again on littlebigplanet xP
Some games you can, some you can't. I am not sure about LBP, but I think you can transfer the LBP save data, but you can't get trophies or something. Not sure. But now days, most games don't let you back up your save data with flashdrive, very stupid and annoying
Ahh ok, i was thinking of making another one anyway. Also just one more thing, can i transfer game saves over to the new account? I dont want 2 start again on littlebigplanet xP
Anything that's saved to your PS3 like DLC, PSN games, Installs, etc. will accessable with either account. Anything that's tied directly to your PSN account, i.e. trophies, will not be accessable with both accounts.
Thanks again, the one thing that sucks majorly is losing all your trophies :/. It would be good if they could update that, but im guessing you could cheat easily..
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