Hello. I am 13 years old and am a gamer judging by the fact that I'm on this website. My parents think I have a addiction. My grades are all A's and I do more than play games. I'm the typical guy. I read books I go outside with my friends, I play sports and blah blah. Today instead of getting home and playing games I watched a movie. ( the lord of the rings to be specific ) After getting done ( the argument with my parents starts here ) I turn off the light and fall down the stairs. Yup. I just fell down and hit the door. My mom yells at me. " Stop running down the stairs " which is false because I was walking and tripped. I said that I tripped and she said " Yeah right" and rolled her eyes. I go into my room and see my brother who is playing Madden. I say " Get off its my turn " Which as you know you know I got done watching a 3 hour movie so I expect my brother to be ready. My mom overhears me which I suppose she was eavesdropping because there is absolutely no way she could have heard me. She yells at me saying " You played it 10 hours straight! " All you do is play that thing " which are both false. I believe she thinks I play it all day. I don't mean to start a argument but when I hear something that's false I'll go to it. So now I'm upstairs typing this. What can I do? My Mom doesn't change her view on it. My dad can't change it. My brother is btw is my moms favorite because he has autism ( I'm not trying to be offensive ). I can't change her view on it. I can't set a schedule because all my friends are btw my brothers friends. So on Fridays my friends all get on and I can see me getting in an argument. Does anyone know anything? Video gaming is one of my hobbies and I'd hate to not be able to do something that I spend my own money on.
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