Ok so today I went to the mall to buy a present for my brother. I decided to get Assassin's Creed so I went to Gamestop to buy the game. I was thinking in buying a used copy at first since it was 30 bucks cheaper and the present was for no special ocassion whatsoever, but then I figured out that a new copy would have been nicer. To my not-surprise, I found a copy of the game so I got it, paid for it and left. As simple as that right? WRONG!
On my way out of the mall I decided to check the game because I like to read the back cover to see what it is about. When I opened the bag and grabbed the game I realized that the game didn't have the plastic seal and whatnot so I said to myself "whatever if it doesn't have any mark on the cd I'll just take it", so I checked the cd and OH SURPRISE! the game had finger prints all over the happy place. I got a little bit annoyed so I decided to go back to the store and change my game for a sealed version, I didn't like the fact that I could have gotten the same game in the same condition for 30 dollars less (Used condition).
I told the guys what had happened and they were cool and said "sure whatever I'll give you another copy...ooops that the last one sorry." then he tried to make up for it adding "Well... it's still new... it's just opened..."
"Yeah...uhm... I think... I mean... uuuhm... aaaaah.... uuh.. oooh yes! The thing is... we used it as a display version... so it's still new it's just that we used it to show what the game includes."
Ok I have to admit, at that point I was completely fed up with that guy and I kept thinking "Why in the world would you need to show people what the game includes... is it that hard to picture a disc and a miniature booklet?!?!" so I just went to my safest choice and said "... Do you think that I can at least change it for another game?"
"Sure why not... which one?"
"IDK... how about that" I pointed to GTAIV (my safest choice). That way I would be able to change it whenever I wanted.
"Sure... oooh we only have opened ... NEW... copies"
"Nevermind can you just change it for a used versi..."
"we don't have it used."
"... you don't?"
"Yes I'm sre we don't"
You have no idea of how irritating that moment was. Finally the manager (I think) grabbed the game and told me that he could do something about it and he went to the back. I was glad that it was finally going to be ok. After 15 minutes the guy came out looking very proud about himself and I saw in his hand a game with a plastic cover - I must tell you that I didn't have my contacts in so I was a little *cough*completly*cough* blind - so I got kind of glad. Then I saw it from a close distance and I seriously had a WTF face.
The guy was like "Here you go a sealed Assassin's creed copy" he was smiling while saying that and I seriously couldn't kept my eyes of that game... It was the same stupid game with stupid cooking plastic foil! I was so mad! then the guy was like "Now it looks like new... sorry it took so long the machine didn't want to work" I was just so pissed at that point that I snatched the game and left.
I decided to go to a friendlier gamestop to tell my story and hopefully get another copy of the game. To my dissappointment the guy didn't have anycopies left.
So here I am with a pathetic, damaged, cooking-plastic-foil covered copy of assassin's creed and 30 dollars more poor than what I could've been.
I hate you gamestop...
To end this story nicely (not) I told my brother what had happened and he responded "Idiot... why didn't you just get a used copy of the game".
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