Well here is my recent take on sony's ps3 and online network so far.
First off, I am very disappointed in sony and the people that are buying the latest entertainment system/(hype system) from them. First off, sony is Japan based and MS is American based. And yes I realize components are not all made in the specified locations. I am an American and would like to support ideas that come from my homeland. There are so few to praise in the electronics market.
Second, sony has made and continues to make so many false promises to all parties involved with them. Shoving a blue ray player in every console they make? How many gamers actually need 1? Having the "power" to surf the internet at a snails pace. Most people have a pc, especially the ones that can afford a ps3. Memory card readers? Wow now that's advanced tech. why wastes the time when there are usb slots? Are the graphics more advanced than the competition? Not that can be seen yet. How's the music player and the way it interacts with games and other operating functions of the system? Downloads? Hmmmm. I thought the cell processor was all powerful! It can't seem to handle more than 1 task at a time. Can't download while playing games or doing anything else. And so on.
How about that playstation network? You would think with a whole year of delays they could have put a bit more thought into it. You know they have been thinking about it since MS came out with XBOXLIVE and this is all they can muster up. Too much blue ray and not enough game system. Sony once said things like 4D, play b3yond, the next gen don't start till we say. Well after an extra year and a extremely high price tag one would expect those statements to be somewhat true. Liers.
Now I may sound like a fanboy to some, and maybe I have become one to an extent but, I just love to play video games. In my gaming life I have owned every major console in the market starting with the Atari2600. But I have yet to see any overwhelming reason to buy a ps3/slow computer.
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