Infamous was a pretty good looking game and I was deciding rather to buy or not but sadly after demo I won't be buying it...
- the ability to grab on to anything is cool but COle constantly grabs on to every last object he sees and game even sometimes glitches and he grabs onto random things barly in area
- enermy also aren't extremly hard but they have some of BEST AIM I"VE EVER SEEN! they put "Wesley from Wanted" ashemed once they get shots on you if they aren't any electronic near you might as well not even run just die and try again. They barly ever miss and can littierly shot you a mile away while your flying in the AIR!!
- When Cole turns evil he looks all gravely and vainy
- Cole doesn't jump far even with his little thunder boost which does almost nothing but slows fall slightly
- There really is no point at all in melee fighting it's not as strong and much harder to hit
- None of his powers are really that cool
- Cole Moves to slow for me in every way
But maybe end game will prove me wrong. Infamous rating 7/10
O well I have high hiopes for Prototype though hope it won't let me down :-)
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