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Diablo 3, no doubt. Diablo 2 is one of my favourite game all time, and it would be a great pleasure to play the number 3 in the series on my PS3.
I would also like to see Bioshock in my PS3-console, and luckily there are some rumors on the web going on that it will hit the PS3 soon.
GC '07: Blood Bowl First Look
Laugh at me all you want but I really wish this would come to the PS3 ... Mind you they have to finish it first, looks like I have to get it for the PC ..
If I can think of anything off the top of my head... ninja gaiden 2... I'd just rather have it for my PS3 but oh well guess I'll have to support MS this time by buying another 360 game... its all good tho cuz I haven't found reason to buy one for my 360 in years... hopefully it doesn't pop up the Rings of death any time soon
Pimp my Ride, just kidding. I'm hoping for Ace Combat. I've always been a fan since the original PSone daysSolarburn24
YES YES and...
I want to see beyond good and evil 2 on the ps3.imapieceofwood
Amen Brother(or Sister :P)! I would also like to see the original Beyond Good and Evil backwards compatible for the 360.
I would like to see a Legend of Zelda game on PS3. Maybe a revamped Wind Waker or something. They could give it a graphical uplift to the likes of the new Prince of Persia. I think that'd be pretty slick.
Oh, and I would also like to see Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness. That would be cool as well.
Pimp my Ride, just kidding. I'm hoping for Ace Combat. I've always been a fan since the original PSone daysSolarburn24
It's rumored:
[QUOTE="imapieceofwood"]I want to see beyond good and evil 2 on the ps3.Pinman_DS9
Amen Brother(or Sister :P)! I would also like to see the original Beyond Good and Evil backwards compatible for the 360.
I'll put my vote down for this too!
[QUOTE="Pinman_DS9"][QUOTE="imapieceofwood"]I want to see beyond good and evil 2 on the ps3.sam_nintendo
Amen Brother(or Sister :P)! I would also like to see the original Beyond Good and Evil backwards compatible for the 360.
I'll put my vote down for this too!
And yeah. This one too, while we're at it.All three Metroid Primes on one bluray disc. It's the only Nintendo game I like. I bought a Wii just for the 3rd one and then gave it to my little bro. Also I would like to see GeOW2 and possibly Ninja Gaiden 2. I sold my 360 months ago so I guess I'll have to live without NG2 which isn't too bad, but we all know GeOW2 will come out for the PC so no worries.cmpepper23
Heh, MP3 was the reason I bought a Wii too, although I think it would lose a lot of its luster w/o the proper control scheme. It would still be a blast though:P
I would like to see Dead Rising come on over. I really enjoyed that game. Just pure, brainless fun (that's right, I went there). Seriously though, not the most complicated game out there, but it really nailed what zombies should be.
You're gay 360 has more and better execlusives then ps3. But the only game i wish that was on ps3 would probably be Crysis.insane_metalist
I dont know about that so much anyone. And Ill bet my life "Swear on Gods holy bible and my dads grave!" That the 360 wont have the most nor best games after mid 09. Maybe end of 08. Its a argumnet that they may not have them now. Fact is the 360 is slipping and falling apart. Thats facts. The other 2 are growing into the new and next. But it is slowing and dying.
And I will bet my life that this post was made to cut the ps3 and I will bet my life that at least 50 % of the replies are by those here to cut it, and keep this post afloat.
You're gay 360 has more and better execlusives then ps3. But the only game i wish that was on ps3 would probably be Crysis.insane_metalist
what? halo and gears??? thats it dude. ps3 has plenty of exclusives that are great, and plenty of great multiplatforms that are great on both, grant it most were better on 360 during ps3's first couple of years. plus ps3 has far more better exclusives that haven't even come out yet. the only great 360 exclusive that anyone cares about, and the only upcoming 360 game fanboys think about is gears 2. i like both consoles but ps3 definitely has the better line up right now. 360 had the better lineup, but not anymore.
[QUOTE="insane_metalist"]You're gay 360 has more and better execlusives then ps3. But the only game i wish that was on ps3 would probably be Crysis.ronniepage588
what? halo and gears??? thats it dude. ps3 has plenty of exclusives that are great, and plenty of great multiplatforms that are great on both, grant it most were better on 360 during ps3's first couple of years. plus ps3 has far more better exclusives that haven't even come out yet. the only great 360 exclusive that anyone cares about, and the only upcoming 360 game fanboys think about is gears 2. i like both consoles but ps3 definitely has the better line up right now. 360 had the better lineup, but not anymore.
360 has fable 2 and Ninja gaiden 2 as well, but I don't think it can match up to the PS3's lineup.
[QUOTE="insane_metalist"]You're gay 360 has more and better execlusives then ps3. But the only game i wish that was on ps3 would probably be Crysis.ronniepage588
what? halo and gears??? thats it dude. ps3 has plenty of exclusives that are great, and plenty of great multiplatforms that are great on both, grant it most were better on 360 during ps3's first couple of years. plus ps3 has far more better exclusives that haven't even come out yet. the only great 360 exclusive that anyone cares about, and the only upcoming 360 game fanboys think about is gears 2. i like both consoles but ps3 definitely has the better line up right now. 360 had the better lineup, but not anymore.
Yea i like and own both concoles. But think about it Gears, Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR4, Bioshock and so on.... Now let's look at ps3 Resistance, Motorstorm, GT5, UT3... and what? They all scored under 9. I barley play ps3 now. I have Haze pre-ordered but after the review I'm gonna go and cancel my pre-order. Most of a time i spend time playing my 360.[QUOTE="ronniepage588"][QUOTE="insane_metalist"]You're gay 360 has more and better execlusives then ps3. But the only game i wish that was on ps3 would probably be Crysis.insane_metalist
what? halo and gears??? thats it dude. ps3 has plenty of exclusives that are great, and plenty of great multiplatforms that are great on both, grant it most were better on 360 during ps3's first couple of years. plus ps3 has far more better exclusives that haven't even come out yet. the only great 360 exclusive that anyone cares about, and the only upcoming 360 game fanboys think about is gears 2. i like both consoles but ps3 definitely has the better line up right now. 360 had the better lineup, but not anymore.
Yea i like and own both concoles. But think about it Gears, Halo 3, Forza Motorsport 2, PGR4, Bioshock and so on.... Now let's look at ps3 Resistance, Motorstorm, GT5, UT3... and what? They all scored under 9. I barley play ps3 now. I have Haze pre-ordered but after the review I'm gonna go and cancel my pre-order. Most of a time i spend time playing my 360.And my sig. And you can count numbers all you want. But skewewd one. Outside the numbers. Uncharted one was way better then gears. gears got a paintball score. And was way WAY overrated. It Sucked in fact. Only played by halo In the rear freaks, That wanted to have something to call a second game.Lost Odyssey, Halo & Gears of War.
Edit: I am no fanboy. All my friends have 360's & i've played all these games and i like them, and just think that they would do well on the PS3, since the system is capable of exploring unique ways to create a game...
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