I waited for this bad boy to come out. And now its out, so i bought it. I usually buy 2K's but after how good FIFA 08 was, how bad could live 08 be?? right? wrong. Its utter crap. The ESPN stuff = sick. All the stats and real time news will be wicked when the season rolls around soon.
But man the gameplay is like playing live 99 on snes. Really crappy moves, that dont flow. And it still has all that "facing the same direction-but-running-man-another-way' animation. Is this 'LIVE 08 - Next gen NBA? NBA JAM had better gameplay, and probably was more realistic. Maybe its NBA 2K7-8 crapping on it that badly -I can't tell. What do the nba fans think?
Also, NBA Live 08 on X360 looks SICK, best graphics in a b-ball game that I have seen. With this knowledge i bought the PS3 version.
PS3 just doesn't step up at all to it, again. Anyone else had the chance to check both out and agree/disagree?
I found the PS3 players to be heaps more papery looking, not as shiny or smooth, and the frame rate buckles even during the dunk comp, when your the only guy on the court. Also, during the dunk comp, all the action when replayed blurs all the crowd etc for not sure what, maybe to run smoother? This my friends is garbage. So now i'm supposed to but NBA 08? lol. Man, PS3, has **** basketball games till 08-09 season. Except ofcourse.. 2K8
 Any thoughts, Â
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