Keep in mind in this price range you need to get an optical setup not the typical PC setup with the 3 plugs.
Also keep in mind the best audio on the PS3 only comes through HDMI with an expensive receiver so you're going for the best value in your range. Optical.
If you want just pretty good digital surround sound, remember to get a amplifier that has optical in. Though if you wanna go for the big guns, get a reciever that has hdmi in. Though the hdmi reciever will probably cost you at least 300$, thats without the speakers. So get a good brand with a decent wattage and has optical in and you'll be set this generation. Â
Logitech Z5500 5.1. Bass that can rumbled your walls, optical receiver for optimum digital sound, all within your budget. These things are absolutely perfect!
Logitech z5500 5.1 speaker system. One of the best if not the best in its price range. Can be found on sale for around $200.crck
I have this one and it's pretty good for the price....I've heard sets upwards from 400 bucks that didn't sound as good as this one.....Great value for cash!!
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