I personally haven't but from reading the posts on these forums. Apparently you will only notice a difference if you're TV is above 40". I currently use component cables on my 25" TV. HDMI also improves sound quality. I also picked up on these forums a $10 cable is just as good as a $80 one.
HDMI gives you upscaling, full range, and a bunch of other features that component does not. HDMI is also alot easier to use if you move your PS3 around at all.
Over 40" if you're near sighted. :/ However adjust the resolution on your pc and tell me what looks better when you're playing games. I personally go with the higher res's because you can make out more. A bigger screen will be more beneficial, however, those lacking in the analytical abilities to percieve jagies doesn't mean we all do.
*Refrences the guy who figured out the jaggies on Halo*
I play on a 60" 1080p sony with HDMI, but I keep the components for the 19" LCD in my bedroom
Trying the components on the 60 i didnt notice a big difference, I noticed a slight color change, neither better or worse, the biggest difference is sound
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