Well, I've got a long drive to Florida (yes, drive), and I'm going to need a new game or two. I'm definately going to try and pick up Phoenix Wright for the DS at EB (only $20), but I'd like to get a PSP game too. I own NCAA Football 07, LCS, and MLB:06 The Show. The only game I care about is LCS, and I'll probably trade the other two in. I'm interested in Puzzle Quest, Daxter, and VP:L. I'm willing to take your advice on any other games too, so feel free to add them.
Well, I've got a long drive to Florida (yes, drive), and I'm going to need a new game or two. I'm definately going to try and pick up Phoenix Wright for the DS at EB (only $20), but I'd like to get a PSP game too. I own NCAA Football 07, LCS, and MLB:06 The Show. The only game I care about is LCS, and I'll probably trade the other two in. I'm interested in Puzzle Quest, Daxter, and VP:L. I'm willing to take your advice on any other games too, so feel free to add them. Impex
Loco Roco is a good 10Hrs of fun. And more if you unlock everything.
I'd get Syphon Filter:Dark Mirror if I was you. It offers hours of gameplay, has a good storyline and great graphics, Aswell as good online content for when you get home. Another good choice would be Metal Gear Solid for pretty much the same reasons.
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