Okay I just got a coupon from gamestop that states that I get 20% off any used games or accessories and it expires in around three days time, notmally I ignore these kinds of things but seeing that it's slightly too good of a deal to pass up, I would like your help in chosing a game (yes, I've read the sticky on game recomendations but come on...the games listed there are practically descriptions and not really recomendations.
So basically, my choice boils down to;
1. Elder Scrolls Oblivion (GOTY edition)
2 COD4 Modern Warfare.
3. Resistance Fall of Man
Feel free to suggest any other games if you'd like that you might think I'd be better off getting than the ones listed above but keep in mind that I already own Assasin's Creed and MGS4 and also, probably not worth mentioning, Pain. >.>
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