I just rented it [battlefield], and in all honesty- its a %100 piece of garbage. There's no surround effects whatsoever (as in, all the speakers are pre-set. If there is a guy talking, it plays out of the front and center speakers. If you turn around so that he's behind you, it still plays out of the same speakers)... not to mention, being a 360-port and all - All you get is Dolby Digital.
Graphics are also pretty bad in my opinion. Everything looks good, sure.... but the repeated textures kinda kill the "good-looking" part of the game. If you look in the distance there is practically nothing normally.
Then theres the game-play which basically plays exactly the same as any other game out there. I also didn't really like the online. (though, i only played online for about 10 minutes before quitting).
Graphics- 6/10
Audio- 4/10
Gameplay- 5/10
Metal gear on the other hand has AMAZING audio (though, only 5.1. Thats forgiven by the PCM track though). The surround effects are amazing. The controller has an extremely set and controlled amount of vibration. The graphics are the best i've ever seen, and its probably the most fun game i've ever played. I, like you, also havent played the other MGS games. I played a bit of MGS Snake Eater, but didnt really like it much. I'll pick up Subsistance one day...
Graphics- 10/10
Audio- 9/10
Gameplay- 10/10
Oh, and im at 40 hours in Metal Gear Online. :D Great game... Definately pick up MGS4. Hope that helped...
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