I've been a PlayStation fan since well the 1st but with the games that interest me going to the 360 except MGS4, what can keep me interested in the PS3? The only thing holding me back from getting the Elite (besides the fact that it isn't out yet) is that future games dont seem like they will fit on a regular DVD. But with all these Blu-Ray games going to Xbox it doesn't seem to be an issue. Help !!!!
Disc size wont really be an issue for a long time, so far all multi disc games are that way because they are full of CGI, i wouldnt let this one thing decide for you, getting the elite now will (hopefully) give you the best verson of the 360 and give you access to the most games, and maybe the ps3 will come down in price a bit by the time you really need one. Getting a ps3 now will give you a future proof console and you'll have money again by the time all those games come out. Just go with your insticts and base your decision on what you need, games, HD movie player, online experience, IP TV, first party exclusives, connectivity and look at each consoles particular features to decide which is best for you, the two forums will tell you all you need to know about each console. I wouldn't mention the 360 much in here though, people might not like it.
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