[QUOTE="inFamous_Nik"]Well... i just got a ps3 yesterday n could not decide what game to buy. so i just didnt get one simply because i have an unlimited rental membership at hollywood video so im good for now. I wanted NCAA 08 but my friend told me he wouldnt have bought it if he played it first. then i wanted oblivion but i know it will be pretty boring for the most part n i tried renting it and it confirmed that. n then i was thinkin maybe ill buy the darkness... i heard it was good... but how long n how good is it really?
i would have bought R6V but i played n beat it on my friends 360. so no... n please dont tell me to get resistance or motorstorm cuz im just not into them.
so... any suggestions on what to get?
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is AWESOME
Virtua Fighter 5 is pretty cool too
In a few weeks Lair hits if your into that.
In the mean time you could download all the demos on the PS store and check out some of the videos. They just put Castlevania SOTN up and that is pretty sweet. Fl0w, Calling All Cars, and Tekken: DR are also very cool. Plus Tekken is going online soon. If you want to appreciate the power of your PS3 GT:HD is a GREAT showcase! Download that immediately. You really should check out Resistance, it is a great game and its multiplayer is truly unmtched. The first time you join into a 40 player fragfest with no lag, you will realize that you are playing beyond.
don't forget about Super Stardust HD. that's one great game....all for $10.
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