Well, I finally got my PSP and now it's time to learn all there is to it :)
Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself as I'll be visiting PSP forums more often then before. This pretty much finished the Sony collection for me, from old PS1, still playing PS2 and enjoying PS3. (I'm broke ^_^)
I'm quite new to PSP gaming and the only reason why I got it was for upcoming prequel of Final Fantasy: Crisis Core.
My friend had been buzzing my head for months to buy Final Fantasy Tactics but when I bought the PSP there was non left in store and I ended up with Jeanne D'Arc. And let me tel you I absolutely love it!
I love Rpg's, turn-based rpg, Jrpgs - you name it. And this title is fantastic. I'm really hopping PSP will introduce more rpgs (there is no such thing as to much :))
Well, that's all for now. "Picks up a sword - TO THE WAR" ^_^
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